I'm Not Wearing A Dress (Samton)

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Hey guys, I'm sorry I have not published since Christmas. Do not worry, there are more one-shots all the way on my AO3 page if you want to, Uswntbritfan99 if you want to go look it up.

"Casey, this is not for debate. I'm not wearing a dress" Sam Kerr said looking at her friends in exhaustion. Casey Short, Morgan Brian, Sarah Gordon and Sarah son, Caiden were watching the Aussie try on a few dresses.

"Why not? It's not every day two people get married, is it?" Morgan said. Sam shook her head.

"You know I'm not a dress kinda gal. I hate dresses" Sam said. Morgan sighs, exasperated.

"But a dress-"

"Moe, I don't want to wear a dress. I don't feel comfortable wearing one" Sam said, cutting the American off.

"Fine, but what are you going to wear?" Moe asked.

"A suit would do perfectly for me" Sam said. The girls look at each other, wondering if Nikki is having the same problem.


Julie Ertz was waiting impatiently for Nikki to come out.

"Come on, we've looked at 15 dresses. Let's see" Julie moaned. Nikki walked out of the curtains to see the stunned looks on Julie and Alyssa Naeher's face.

"You look gorgeous, Nikki. Sam would die for you" Alyssa said, Julie nods.

This dress was elegant, it was a long dress that showed a little cleavage but not enough to look tacky. It had laced long arms.

"Thanks, girls. I really appreciate you for helping me pick out my dress. This is so pretty, I hope Sam will love it" Nikki said, squealing.

"You are so beautiful. If I wasn't married I would have been all over you!" Julie exclaimed. The girls laugh at Julie. Nikki looked herself over in the mirror, eyes glistening with tears.

"Girls, this is it. This is the one. I love this dress and it's everything I've ever wanted in a dress" Nikki said. Julie celebrated and high five Alyssa.

"Finally, that nightmare is over with. C'mon let's go, I'm so ready for a vanilla iced coffee latte" Julie said. Nikki paid for the dress and left.


"Julie just texted me, their already done dress shopping" Morgan said.

"I'm a pretty princess!" Caiden said, wearing a plastic crown on his head, flowing his arms like a bird.

"More like a pretty bird baby. But keep trying" Sarah said, Caiden glared at his mother.

"I'm a princess mom, not a bird!" he hollered at her. Sarah bowed down to her son's level.

"Yes you are a pretty princess but there is no need to shout at me" she said in a calm voice. Caiden nodded.

"Sorry mom. You could be a pretty princess too" he said, putting the crown onto Sarah's head. They were too busy interacting with one another they didn't see Sam come out in something more her.

"How's this then ey"? They looked at her. Caiden looked at the Aussie and opened his mouth

"You are a handsome princess Sammy" he said, taking the crown off of his mom's head and going all the way to Sam, who grabbed the crown and placed it on her head for the child's enjoyment. Sarah got up and smiled at the interaction.

This tux was elegant, black with a white shirt underneath with a black bow tie around her neck. Sam was looking at herself in the mirror and smiled at herself. This tux makes her feel like herself in many ways.

"This is perfect, I love it!" she said. Moe smiled, Casey nodded her head in satisfaction.

"You look great girl" Casey said, Morgan agreed with a nod.

"You really think so? I mean I hope so, I'm getting married in less than a months time. Damn, I'm marrying the woman of my dreams. I hope she loves this" Sam said, wiping a small tear away with her thumb.

"Are we done yet?" Caiden said, on the verge of boredom.

"Yes baby, we are about to go home" Sarah said.

"Yes, finally!" the women laugh at the child before paid and leave for lunch.


It was about 6 at night when the two soon to be wives sat down and saw each other for the first time that day. Sam wrapped her arms around her fiancée's waist and smiled at her.

"I hope you had a good day love" she said. Nikki looked at her and smiled.

"One of the best. How about you?" Nikki asked.

"It's been perfect, I spent all day with my friends figuring out what to wear on our special night and I come home to cuddle into you. What could be any better?" Sam said. Nikki smiled before kissing her girl on the lips, it was a slow yet passionate kiss that lasted only a few seconds.

"You have no idea how much I love you" Nikki said making Sam blush a bright red.

"Enough to say yes?" Sam asked. Nikki laughed.

"How could I have said no? The way you proposed was quite unique, not every day someone proposes you at the final of the world cup is it?" Nikki said.

"I suppose not, the sad thing is that we didn't win but I loved it otherwise. I would have found a better way to propose to you" Sam said. Nikki nuzzled into the side of her lover.

"I love you so much you dork, even more so when we are married and all. I love you Sammy" Nikki said. Sam gave Nikki her signature smirk.

"Yeah? I love you too you know. If not I wouldn't have proposed like I did now would I? I'm just ready for you to say 'I do' I really am" Sam said. Nikki smiled mischievously.

"What if I say no? What would you do then?" she said. Sam shook her head.

"I know you won't say that. You love me too much" Sam replied.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't love you. We'll have to see won't we" Nikki said, teasingly. Sam got the hint and moved Nikki backwards onto the other half of the sofa.

"Well, maybe you could show me how much you love me? I'll show you how much I love you" Sam's hands went down a little lower on Nikki's body.

Nikki was biting her lip when Sam's lips attached to her neck. Nikki's breath started to slow down as she felt Sam places her hands onto her thighs. Sam kisses up her neck and on her lips in a slow but hungry kiss. Nikki moans as she felt the Australian grabs her thighs.

This was when they heard a loud bang of the door. Sam grumbled and got up.

"Fucking cockblocks. Always ruining our moments" Sam said giving Nikki one last kiss before going to open the door. "Can't you see we're busy here?" Sam whined. Moe and Julie stud there, oblivious to what was going on behind the door.

"Can we come and say hi?" Julie said. Sam sighed.

"No. What do you guys want?" Sam asked. Julie and Morgan looked at each other before bursting with laughter.

"Damn Sam, your cranky when you thirst for sex. We'll leave you to it, go get some" Moe said before the two Americans left in a heap of laughter. Sam huffed and slammed the door. Nikki was getting tired of waiting.

"What's the hold-up?" she asked. Sam returned into the living room and sat next to the blonde.

"Not much really, just some teammates. Now, where were we?" Sam said in a seducing voice. Nikki liked that sound.


Hi guys, I was wondering if I should I make a part 2 of this one-shot? Leave a comment down below and don't forget to leave a kudos if you want to.

I still take request from followers on what story I should make and what relationship I should write about so if you have any thoughts please feel free to ask me.

Thanks for reading ~ Uswntbritfan99

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