Pancakes (Future Daan and Beth)

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Daniëlle Van De Donk was a bit annoyed at her daughter waking her up at a ridiculous time in the morning. She opened her eyes and saw deep blue one staring at her eagerly.

"mama wake up. It's mummy's birthday today!" she said shaking the Dutch woman awake. Daan saw how her little girl was excited. Today was her mummy's birthday and Daan smiled at her daughter. She looked over at her wife to see her peacefully sleeping with her mouth slightly open. Daan couldn't believe it, she couldn't believe how lucky she was at having her little family. She smiled softly at the younger woman. It's not every day a woman becomes 35, is it? Daan held her daughter in her arms trying to fully wake up herself without her daughter waking up her wife at the same time.

"Lieverd, don't wake your mother please. She needs her sleep" Daan quietly told the little girl, smoothing her hand down the girl's blonde hair. She was the spitting image of her wife, making her love the girl even more. (Lieverd- sweetheart in Dutch)

"But mama, why can't I wake her up" the girl huffed, putting her arms over her chest with a scowl on her face. Yes, she may look like her wife but she certainly has her attitude. Daan looked at her daughter warningly.

"Because I said so Lieverd. Now, let's go cook your mommy some breakfast, shall we?" this brought a smile to the girl's face and a glint in her eyes. She leapt off the bed. Daan took one more look at her wife before carefully moving from the woman's grip. Her 5-year-old daughter grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her in the general direction of the kitchen.

"Lieverd, calm down" Daan said but the girl didn't listen. Daan was still tired. You would be if you were woken up at 5am.

"Evi June, let go of my arm!" Daan raised her voice. Evi let go of her mama and her eyes started to tear up and her bottom lip wobbled slightly.

"Het spijt me mama" she spoke softly in Dutch. Daan's face softened at her words and knelt to her level before opening her arms. The girl slowly accepted the hug. (I'm sorry mama)

"het is goed schat, huil alsjeblieft niet" Daan replied, kissing the girl on the head before hugging her back (It's okay baby, please don't cry) "Why don't we go wash our hands and start making mommy some breakfast in bed, she'll love that" Daan said softly into her daughter's ear. Evi nods frantically, a big smile on her face. Her eyes back to the bright blue her mama loved. Daan stood up before making her way to the sink to wash her hands. Evi pulled up a stool and proceeded to wash her own.


Daan was casually flipping the pancakes when a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and startled her. She looked up at the ceiling at the pancake that was stuck to it. Daan sighed in frustration before turning around to find a pair of half-awakened blue eyes gazing softly at her. Daan sheepishly looked at her wife before her eyes widen and then she frowned.

"beff, what are you doing awake? We wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed" Daan then pouted. Beth smiled before kissing her forehead.

"Aw, if I would have known that I would have got an extra pancake" Beth said, quietly laughing at herself. Daan laughed before wrapping her arms around the Brit.

"Well, you've spoiled the surprise now haven't ya" Daan said. Beth giggled and tapped her on the nose, Daan blushed.

"Goede Morgen, Mijn lieve" Daan said. Beth smiled. (Good morning, my love)

"Goede morgen Mrs Mead-Van De Donk" Beth replied, leaning in to kiss her. Evi was getting impatient and wrapped her arms around her mommy.

"Mommy! I want to say happy birthday too! Mama don't keep her to yourself!" Daan shook her head at the girl whilst Beth lightly laughed before turning around and pulling their daughter into her arms.

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