What About Us? (Beth and Daan)

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Hi people, I'm sorry about the lack of updates. I've had a really difficult time with my depression, work and earning my degree that I forgot to update the fanfic. I hope you like this Beth and Daan one shot and thanks for reading 🥰

Beth was confused, not only that she was also angry. Angry because of a certain Dutch player. But why? Oh, she knows why. Here she was naked in a bed with such person. Beth looked down towards the Dutch midfielder and frowned. She sighed and pushed her head into the pillow. She heard deep breaths of an awake Danielle Van De Donk and closed her eyes. She didn't know that Daan looked at her, shook her head and slowly got out of bed. Beth opened her eyes and saw the Dutch player putting her clothes on.

"So is this what you're going to do? You're going to have sex with me and just leave like that?" Beth spoke with a weary tone. Daan looked back at the English forward and gave her a little smile.

"You know there is no feeling behind our encounters, I'm fucking straight Beff. This is just a way to relieve my sexual tension, but you wouldn't understand that, would you?" Daan said before putting her last piece of clothing on and walking out of the room. There was a knock on the front door and Daan went to open it. Beth groaned and laid back on the bed.

'Brilliant, fucking brilliant. You just have to catch feelings for her and all she wants is sex' Beth thought. She got out of bed and put her clothes on.

Beth walked into the kitchen to see her teammates, Lisa, Viv, Katie, Kim and Daan.

"Well Beth, you look worse for wear. Who were you screwing last night ey?" Katie said, which earned a stern look from Kim.

"That's not a question you should be asking" Kim said, folding her arms. Beth looked at Katie before shaking her head. She walked to grab a box of cereal, a bowl and a bottle of milk before making herself a bowl of cereal.

"Yeah, that's my business. Not yours" Beth remarked. Daan stared at her intimately before doing her best to keep her emotions at bay. Viv looked at her fellow Dutch teammate before noting to herself to keep an eye out.

"Now, yous know since it's our day off we are going out to the club to have a bit of a chill night" Lisa said.

"Yeah, I'm down for that" Katie said. Viv nods and Kim sighs before giving into such an idea. Beth was more reluctant to say the least. If Daan was going, Beth was not.

"Yeah, why not. Might be fun" Daan said. The girls all look towards Beth.

"I'm just not feeling it guys" Beth said, rubbing her neck. Daan frowned.

"Aww come on, we even got Kim to agree. That one's hard man" Lisa said. Kim frowned and swiped Lisa on the arm.

'If I don't go I will be missing on a fun night out, but if I do go I will have to put up with her. Damn, this is hard' Beth thought. The others trying to coax her into it.

"Alright fine, fine. I'll go, geez" Beth said before walking away. The girls look at her with suspicion.

"What's up with her?" Viv asked, putting her arm around Lisa's shoulders.

"I don't know babe, it's not like her to be like this" Lisa said. Daan knew this was her fault but she is acting like she didn't care. "Daan, go and find out for us" Lisa said.

"Why do I have to go and find out?" Daan questions. Lisa rolled her eyes.

"Because yous live with her, you know her better than us" Lisa said. Daan sighed before making her way to the forward's bedroom. Daan sighed, waited a few seconds before knocking on the Brits door.

"Go away Daan!" Beth shouted through the door. Daan sighed before trying to open the door.

"I said go away!" Beth scolded. Daan shook her head 'verdomd kind' she thought. (Fucking child)

"I'm not leaving till you let me in" she, said. The Dutch heard an exasperated groan, a lock being twisted and the door flying wide open.

"What? Are you here to fuck me then leave again?" Beth remarked. Daan looked at her and bit her lip.

"No, I just wanted to know why you're acting like this," she said. The blonde stared at her and shook her head. She pulled the shorter woman into the room and closed the door, locking it behind her.

"Why am I acting like this? Because you're using me and I can't do this anymore. I can't be with you like this anymore, if you don't want me the way I want you then we need to stop. You're making me crazy-" Beth was cut off by soft lips on hers. Beth groaned and started to kiss back. Hands wrapped around her back as hers around the Dutch woman's neck, pulling her in closer. Daan pulled away, lips swollen and redder, she stared into blue eyes and melted at the sight of how soft they looked.

"who says that I don't feel the same way?" She said, looking at Beth with a soft, loving smile - this is what Viv called her heart eyes that only Beth sees. The blonde's smile widens and her eyes creases at the ends.

"You love me?" she softly asked. Daan nods earning her a sigh of relief from the English woman. "then why are you so afraid to be in a relationship with me?" she asked. Daan sighed.

"My dad, he doesn't support my sexual preference - I want to be with a woman and he wants me to be with a man. I just don't know what to do if he figured out that I was with you or any woman. I love you but I just...I just don't want my dad to find out" she said, caressing the Brits cheek with her thumb. Beth's eyes soften.

"Why should it matter if he doesn't agree? You are an adult and if he can't love you because you're gay then he's not worth it, my parents love you no matter how our relationship is. You will always have me and your mom and sister. I really want to try this, I don't care what people think - I just want to be happy, I'm happy with you" Beth said grabbing the Dutch woman's hand and interlacing their fingers together. Daan smiled and bit her lip before frowning.

"I don't know Beffie, I love my dad but I love you more. I don't care what others think it's just my dad that I care about, I love you. I really do" Daan said.

"Then we don't need to worry about it. I love you and you love me so I don't see how your dad can do anything about that" she said in response.

"You're right. Why should I worry about it? Fuck, why is this so hard? I've been using you and that's not fair. I've fallen in love with you so much and that scares me but I'm ready for a new chapter in our relationship, I'm ready to go steady with you if that's what you want Beffie" Daan said with a megawatt smile on her face. Beth reciprocated the smile.

"Wait?" Daan nods.

"Yes, will you go out with me?" she asked. Beth nods her head before interlocking their lips together. Forgetting about their teammates are in their living room till they hear knocking on the door.

They leave shortly after to the bar and had a fun night together as an official couple, the only issue of the night was when this man flirted with Beth and Daan was having none of it.

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