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"You missed the turn again!" I exclaimed to Alyssa, pointing directly to the same turn off she had missed the last five times.

"I'm sorry! The roads are too goddamn busy. Go home, PEOPLE!" She shouted, gripping the steering wheel tightly in her little fists. She did another U-Turn at the roundabout, hopefully this time with the intention of not missing the turn off to Bucky's apartment.

We were driving to pick up James from his apartment because he knew exactly where Sam was and as of now, Sam wasn't in either of our good books.

He had given the government the shield and they just handed it down to some man who they claim will be our new Captain America. When I saw him flash on the TV, I felt anger engulf me. I wanted to leap through the TV and beat up on the man who had his grimy hands on Steve's shield.

"Okay look! Right there. Slow down and turn. Good god, how did you get your license?" I pointed.

An exasperated sigh left my mouth and I sank deep into the passenger chair, crossing my arms over my chest as I felt exhausted already simply from my friends driving.

"Okay, I'm turning! You sound like my bloody mother." She grumbled, before pressing her foot on the break slowly to slow down within the street as James' apartment building was approaching. I saw a figure standing out on the sidewalk and squinted, recognising the leather jacket he had accessorised over his shoulders. Alyssa completely pressed on the brakes, bringing my car to a complete holt in front of Bucky.

He opened my car door gently and got into the backseat behind mine and shut the door rather loudly, not saying a single peep to me or Alyssa. As I sensed James' anger, I felt an awkward feeling swirl around within me and I couldn't fight the urge to shake my leg, bouncing it up and down in a quick motion. He made me nervous.

"Can you knock that off?" Alyssa asked me, before reaching her hand over and smacking my leg lightly.

She then moved her eyes to James through the rearview mirror, "Where am I driving?" She asked the quiet male.

"The hangar." He announced, before slipping back into silence. Alyssa curtly nodded, waiting for one car to pass before pulling out from the side of the road.

My eyes glanced out of the side mirror on my passenger side, peeking at Bucky's face. He looked incredibly annoyed and tense, his jaw clenched as those steel blue eyes glared out of the back window and honestly, I didn't blame him. I was pissed myself.

That shield was the closest thing I had left of Steve who had become an incredible close friend of mine and it had given me quite a comfort knowing he had put it in Sam's hands but now I hated it because Sam just pawned it off like it meant nothing.

The car ride contained a deafening silence as Alyssa had pulled into the hangar and James got out before she even put a car to a complete stop and my head jerked to him. He swaggered up the entrance of the hangar confidently, his hands clenched into tight fists.

He was ready to pounce.

Once the engine of my car shut off, I exited hastily. I ran off after James to catch up, leaving Alyssa in the dust. As I entered the hangar, I heard James' slightly broken voice echo around me.

"Shouldn't have given up the shield."

Alyssa had shown up at my side a few moments later and, honestly, I had completely forgotten she was there as my anger for Sam had risen through my system and I felt something electrical crackle within my fingers but I pushed it aside, shoving my hands into the back of my jeans pocket, not thinking much of it.

"Good to see you too, Buck." Sam greeted, irritation lacing his words, before walking right past him but that didn't stop James from following him like a lost puppy, determination dancing within his eyes. He collided with Sam gently when he stopped in his tracks after noticing me and he scoffed, shaking his head.

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