Soulmates (1/2)

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How they find out their soulmates.

Note: this is similar to my other book Alone.

They dream about their soulmates. They see their face, they see everything in the dream. They see where there at, the time, color, everything. When they meet their soulmate they will just know since they have been dreaming about their soulmate for years now.

At age 12 they start dreaming about their soulmate. Cute, loving, happy, funny, etc scenes would play every night. Slowly through life the dreams change into more adult stuff. Steamy scenes would unfold in front of them.

Loving, cute, happy, funny, steamy hot scenes.

The dreams show the true them and nothing false.

When they meet there will be a pull towards them. A loving and happy feeling will go through their body. There is accepting and rejecting soulmates.

When they accept part one of their bound is connected, part two, the last part is basically them doing it. That part can wait for months, to years to happen; it doesn't change anything really. If they finish both connections the love will grow more and get stronger.

Her soulmates

Damian Wayne
Dick Grayson
Tim Drake
Jason Todd
Bruce Wayne
Barry Allen
Wally west
Clark Kent
Conner Kent
Bart Allen
Blue beetle

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