Finally Free

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We poof to Julie's bedroom door. Reggie being Reggie knocks while on the other side. Idiot.

Julie - What are you guys doing?

Reggie - We're being classy.

Luke - Why are you still here? We're going in, like, 20 minutes.

Julie - I lied to my dad, so... now I'm stuck in my room all night.

Alex - Yeah, but we were just at the venue. I mean, it's packed. Like, VIPs, managers. It's kind of crazy.

Julie - What are we gonna do about my aunt? She's right downstairs.

Luke - Your aunt. You're not taking the stairs.

Julie - OK. Let me get dressed. I'll meet you guys there.

I help her get dressed and I do her hair.

Laura - Your mom would be so proud. I bet if she was still here, she'd say something like "Follow your dream. If you get nervous imagine I'm the only one in the crowd.

Julie - She would... Wouldn't see.

Laura - She always had the bubbly bright side to her... But mess with someone she loves... you fucked up.

Julie - That is so true... You have to tell me some stories about her.

Laura - One day.

We finish up and walk to the venue.

Announcer - Next up, Dirty Candy.

Julie - Am I too late?

Flynn - Too early.

Carrie - Hope you all came to have a great time.

Julie - Dirty Candy? How'd she get on the list?

Flynn - Her daddy probably made a call. I like this! Pretty flower. Thanks. It's a dahlia. My mom's favorite.

Carrie starts singing and dancing. Alex then poofs in the middle of the group. And being stupid.

Laura - That's my niece

Luke - Oh yeah...

Julie - What?!

Laura - Yeah

Alex comes back

Julie - You having fun out there?

Alex - It's not my fault. It's my, um... It's my feet.

Julie - Yeah.

Alex - Put me back in, Coach.

Julie - It's the guys.

The song finishes

Alex - Making me blush

Luke - Alex.

Alex - Hey, um... I was just... I was just doing that for you guys.

Reggie - Mm-hmm. Yeah. You can stop smiling now.

Laura - Let him live his gay fantacy

Alex - Thanks Laura... I think

Julie - I'm not gonna lie. That was... kind of good.

Flynn - Yeah. I forgot why I hate her so much.

Carrie - Hi, girls. Um, isn't it past your bedtime?

Luke Patterson's Lover // Julie and The PhantomsWhere stories live. Discover now