Thanks Julie

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Laura - Well since we have a few hours can I please dance for you guys.

Luke - Julie?

Julie - ... Fine... Can I talk privately with you?

Laura - Me?

Julie - Yes

We walk to her room.

Julie - I just want to say... I'm sorry for the way I treated you the other day... Before we performed The Edge Of Great...

Laura - It's ok. It's now water under a bridge.

Julie - I feel the need to tell you something... I have a crush on Luke...

Laura - Oh sweetie I know.

Julie - Wha... How...

Laura - Please. I see the way you look at him and blush... Look. I did get jealous because Luke was catching feelings and I was disappearing.

Julie - What?

Laura - When Luke was falling for someone else I was disappearing... I think if he moves on. I pass over. But if he passes over. I feel I'm going to be stuck here.

Julie - So this must hurt. Having to let him crossover.

Laura - But not as much as it will hurt you. You started playing again because of them...

Julie - I may have started playing again because of them. But you were the one who kept me playing the music.

Laura - You're so sweet.

Julie - I know you're 17 but your brain is like mature, you know...

Laura - Are you calling me old?!

Julie - Wha... No...

Laura - I'm joking.

We laugh and I help her pick an outfit for tonight. I look in Rose's case...

Laura - This was mine...

Julie - She used to wear it on the day you died every year no matter what the occasion was...

Laura - May I wear it tonight?

Julie - Sure... It is yours after all

Laura - This is the outfit I wore when we were meant to play The Orpheum.

Julie - It's cute and stylish for that time.

Laura - I know right. It was the future outfit.

Julie - I wonder who names the outfit...

Laura - Yeah... Reggie loved naming my outfits... I was a designer too. So I made most of these clothes for Rose. And myself.

Julie - Wow. You really are talented.

We then join the boys in the studio

Julie - Are you ready? What's wrong?

Alex - Yeah. We just got rocked pretty hard by one of those jolt things.

Reggie - Pretty sure I ghost peed a little.

Luke - But we're fine.

Julie - Actually, guys, I'm a little nervous. Luke, uh, can I talk to you for a second?

Luke - Yeah.

She pulls him off to the side and talks to him.

Luke - Guys, band circle. We don't know what brought us here, but... what we do know is, you're a star, Julie. And just because this is our last night together, it doesn't mean we won't be watching you from above... or... Now let's go rock this show. Let's give 'em a night they'll be talking about 'til the sun comes up.

Laura - Legends on three.

Alex - One.

Reggie - Two.

Julie - Three...

All - Legends.

A car horn goes off

Julie - That's my dad. He's driving me there, so I'll see you guys soon.

Carlos - Have a good show, boy band.

Luke - Who you calling boy band?

Ray - Carlos.

Reggie - How did he find out about us?

Alex - I don't know, Reg. Maybe it was the blinds. Or you know what? The blanket. It could've been any number of things you did in that house.

Luke - It doesn't matter, you guys. We're not coming back here anyways.

Luke Patterson's Lover // Julie and The PhantomsWhere stories live. Discover now