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As the rain streamed down my face, I finally felt free. Up here, standing on this ledge. Up here, on this random building, with my face lifted to the sky and my back to the city, I've never felt freer. Up here, on this random ledge away from all my cares and problems, I feel freer than I've ever felt in my life. It'd be so easy to just fly away from this place. I mean no one would miss me... Well anyone whose alive won't miss me. All the doves in this damned city feel nothing but hate and fear for us crows.

Until now, I wouldn't even think of leaving this gods-forsaken city.

Until yesterday, I wouldn't even think about leaving my flock.

Unit today, I wouldn't even be up here on this random ledge.

But here I am, on this random ledge, the rain pouring down, soaking me to the bone, matting my black almost blue feathers together, my feet on the edge. It was as if all the noise had stopped in anticipation for my decision.

Do I stay?


Do I go?

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, steeling my nerves, and jumped. My wings flaring with excitement. I jumped, with the hope that I wouldn't come to regret my decision.

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