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Death felt a flicker of fear the moment she was born. Death felt her power the moment he took her first breath. Heard the prophecies she wold fulfill, of the legend she would become in her first cry.

Death felt the earth shake and tremble in anticipation, eagerly awaiting the time she would lead armies across it when she took her first steps. Heard the words that'd make history in her first words.

Death felt the anguish and sorrow she'd cause and feel the first time she wielded her powers. Heard the anger and determination in her first war cry.

Death felt her pain and anger the first time she'd lost someone dear. Heard the words of prophecy full of determination fall from her lips as she pleaded for peace.

Death felt her anger and her pain the first time a someone betrayed her. Saw how the tiredness in her movements and heard it in her voice become more and more pronounced after every war and loss.

After the next war began, Death knew it was almost her time.

She met Death at the end of her last battle. She was tired and welcomed Death with a smile and a question.

"Will they win?" she asked as she looked on at the battlefield, at the fight that was still going on around them, at the bodies of her people, of friends, and enemies that were strewn all along the ground.

"I do not know. The fates have yet to decide." was the answer that Death gave her.

She took one last look at the battle still going on around them before looking up at Death nodding once and than turned on her heels and started to walk on her to her afterlife.

"Well, are you coming or not?" she called back at Death, still walking not looking back.

Death laughed a her actions thinking about how most people try to run from Death not welcome it with open arms. Death shook their head, took one last look at the battle still going on, turned on their heels and fallowed her.

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