Episode 9: Lunar Eclipse

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Another night at their new base, or rather this apparent 'five star hotel' which was abandoned. Eclipse had to admit, despite being completely empty besides them, it was a nice place. A little dusty, but other than that.

She then took out her sword and sighed, letting her face reflect in the metal. She then put it back in its sheath. She then looked at her own hand and took off a glove, showing the stitches and bandages over her wrists and knuckles.

When she said Kreji RIPPED out her blades, she was exaggerating just a little bit. Kreji had sliced them out, but either way, it was still his fault.

Eclipse gently brushed her finger tips across her stitched fist, wincing a little bit. She had gotten used to the pain, but it still hurt.

She then closed her eyes, recalling back to that day. It was a day AFTER Talon had betrayed the army and Kagin was killed.

Eclipse snuck around the base, looking from side to side. One of their own had been murdered just for thinking differently. How could she continue to move along with that? If she made one mistake, she could be dead.

That wasn't a life she wanted to live. Especially if she was only going to spread even more fear through the galaxy.

She then went into the hangar, looking for a ship that could get her out quickly. She needed to warn Talon that they had been tracking his ship. She knew going into another ship to escape wouldn't stop the invasion either, but she could at least warn the traitor and the planet he was headed too.

"Come on, come on, where is- AHA!" Eclipse cried, finding a small gray one and then running over to it, opening the hatch and was about to hop in before she heard footsteps.

She turned around before she quickly backflipped onto the top of the ship, dodging the swing of a red blade. Kreji.

Kreji growled and hopped into the air, thrusting his blade towards Eclipse, stabbing the ship in the process instead of her. Kreji then ripped out his blade, growling. "I killed one traitor! I'm fine with killing another!"

Eclipse then took out her own blades. "You killing that traitor is the whole reason I'm doing this!" She cried before charging at the Red Slasher, swinging her blades at him.

Kreji swung his back at her, blades sliding across each other and forcing sparks to fly out from clashing of metal. They did it again, and then again, and then again. It kept like this for a little while before Eclipse swung both her blades at the same time, but Kreji formed an X with his blades, blocking the attack.

Eclipse then spun around and sidekicked Kreji in the cheek, sending him tumbling across the floor. She then rushed to her ship, but was cut in the back. Eclipse cried out in agony, but was then slammed down onto the floor.

Kreji held his new bruised cheek, but cackled and raised his blade. "Maybe I'll keep your head as a trophy! That'll get me an upgrade, alright!"

"Is...that all you care about?!" Eclipse growled before using her floating arms to slash Kreji's bruised cheek, forcing him to stumble and roar in pain, and get off her. Eclipse then got back and charged at Kreji again, slashing at him over and over.

Kreji growled before slashing back at Eclipse, and then kicking her towards her ship. "YEAH, AND I CAN'T WAIT TO GET IT." He then roared and lunged at Eclipse, but once again, he ended up stabbing the ship.

Eclipse then swung her blade at Kreji, but the Red Slasher caught her wrist...and then grinned a wicked grin. "I'M REALLY STARTING TO HATE THOSE BLADES..."

Kreji then lifted his arm and swung it towards Eclipse's blades and her wrists. Her blades shattered to pieces once they came into contact, but Kreji started to cut deeper into Eclipse's wrist, making sure her blades were completely gone. Blue blood splattered onto Kreji's blades as he relished Eclipse's screams of pure pain.

Eclipse couldn't feel her hand, and fell to the ground, bleeding incredibly. She felt so much pain! She held her arm before suddenly, her other blade was shattered into pieces as well, or at least half of it. She definitely couldn't use it anymore though.

Kreji cackled as Eclipse screamed. "AND WHAT I HATE I KILL..."

Eclipse panted, crying blue tears as she tried to stand. She didn't need to continue fighting. She just needed to escape. She then tried to climb into the ship, but Kreji kicked her down.

Kreji grinned before raising his blade, and Eclipse didn't know what to do. She couldn't do anything except scream. So, that's what she did, screaming at the top of her lungs.

But unexpectedly, screaming as LOUD as possible was hurting Kreji. Extreme high pitched sounds were what hurt Shade. Screams of agony were music to them, but when it got VERY loud? It would hurt them.

Eclipse kept screaming, slowly standing despite her pain. She watched Kreji roll around on the floor, suffering due to the sound.

"MAKE IT STOP, MAKE IT STOP, MAKE IT STOOOOPPP!!!" Kreji begged, roaring and crying out in pain.

Eclipse then went into her ship and closed the hatch before she flew off through the forcefield like door and into the cold reaches of space.

Eclipse sighed before she was about to put her glove back on.

"This spot taken?" A voice asked. Eclipse turned around and saw Nova. She smiled and shook her head, patting the bed next to her. "Nope. Feel free to sit."

Nova did just that and then saw Eclipse's hand. "Oh god, are you ok?"

"Umm, yeah. Yeah. It's been like this for a long time." Eclipse said with a shrug before taking off her other glove, and showing her blade, or rather, her broken one. It was more of a sharp stub then anything now.

"You weren't kidding when you said you lost them, huh?" Nova asked.

"No..." Eclipse sighed. "But hey. It's in the past." She then faced her. "And...sorry."

"Sorry? For what?"

"For not telling you I was a Shade. Looking back, I'm kinda surprised I was able to keep it a secret for so long." Eclipse chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck.

Nova just patted her back. "Hey, you don't need to apologize. Believe me. If I were you and I met us in our current state, I would've wanted to wait before saying that I was a Shade, who are murderers." She then smiled. "But given that I've met Talon and you? It's clear not all of them are. You're one of the best."

Eclipse felt her cheeks go blue before she scooted closer and laid her head on Nova's shoulder. "Thanks." She purred.

Nova nodded simply, patting Eclipse's head. "Anytime."

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