I love you.

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I remember sitting across from him while eating a sandwich,

I had to move my chair a little but because the sunlight from the window was hitting my face.
It was warm and quiet, just the sound of us eating.

I don't know why but suddenly I started crying.
Tears ran down my face before I could stop them.

Of course he asked me what was wrong, but nothing was wrong.

It was the realization that I was really in love that made me feel emotional, the type of love that you can just sit quietly and feel content.
Not the type of love where you throw around the words 'I love you', kiss every so often and call it a day.

The type of love that if we were to be apart I would be okay, because is not the fear of being alone that was keeping us together.

The warm afternoons are the best,
when you're both doing your hobbies but still close to each other, it feels natural almost too perfect.

The type of love that wasn't formed of desperation, it took time and patience.

The type of love that when you do speak, you can't help but smile because their voice alone makes your heart skip a beat.

We don't say I love you too often, it doesn't bother me to say it. I simply don't need to.

I realized that I love talking, but when I'm near him all the words I want to say get stuck in my throat.

And all that I manage to say is 'I love you' and 'pls hold me'.

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