Mental Prison

14 3 0

I am trapped in my own mind;

like a prisoner locked in a prison cell.

My consciousness is drifting away,

with no sense of identity.

My mind holds me hostage.

I am imprisoned in a mental prison,

helpless and weak like a caged bird.

I have tried a million times to escape,

but failed miserably in each and every attempt.

I am stuck in this dark place,

With no escape route.

My fears stop me from

escaping this dreadful place.

With no sense of hope,

I am drowning in despair.

Someone, please hear my cry for help;

and rescue me from this mental prison.


The poem 'Mental Prison' briefly describes a view on the mental turmoil, distress and depression experienced by a person when facing certain problems in life. Inspired by the song "Mind is a Prison" by artist Alec Benjamin.

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