Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Jenny’s POV

Eliza and I were sat in the van as we talked and got drugged by Nick and Logan.  ‘’Nighty night Jenny ‘’ Logan says and I drift off in a horror. No dreamless sleep for me.  I open my eyes. ‘’Where am I?’’ I am in this black hole. This dream has got to be kidding me! This looks so real! I look around to find something that will light up. I stand up and I immediately fall down again into something. I feel with my hands around I feel a lot of bubbles. I lift my hand to my face and I get a close look at it. It smells like mud. Then the light goes on. I take a quick look around and I am in a pool full of mud. The brown liquid is all over me. It is sucking me down. I scream and scream but no one seems to hear me. The mud pulls me under and I come into some other dimension. ‘’ Hello? Is there someone? ‘’ I shout hoping there is something or someone in this dream with me. ‘’ JENNY!! ‘’  I hear someone shout back. That voice.. it sounds familiar. ‘’ ELIZA!!! WHERE ARE YOU? ‘’  I shout. I see someone running towards me. It’s Eliza! ‘’ What are they doing to us? ‘’ I say. ‘’I have no idea but what I do know is that this dream is way too real for being just a dream! ‘’ She says. ‘’ We have to get out of here! ‘’ I say  ‘’ Agree! But how? They drugged us! ‘’ She says. ‘’ there my lady, you have a point.’’ I say. She giggles. ‘’ wait.. how can we communicate if this is a dream? And why are we even together in the same dream?’’ I ask this is way too weird! Why the fuck is this happening to us? We could be home now. With our families.  '’ Honestly I have no idea but I don’t mind because if I was here on my own I would most likely not like it. I don’t like it now but it’s better when you’re here with me! ‘’ she says.  ‘’true ‘’ I say. ‘’ let’s walk ‘’ I say and we start to walk towards a little light that I spotted. Once we arrived we found out it was some sort of a doorway. ‘’ Shall we go inside? ‘’ I ask Eliza. ‘’ I don’t know Jenny… maybe we should just stay here until we wake up’’ She says ‘’ You choose. ‘’ I say ‘’ Ah what the heck let’s go! ‘’ she says. We open the door and walk inside. Everything went black. I flutter my eyes open. We’re still in the back of the van. ‘’ Eliza? ‘’ I whisper.  No answer. I start to push against her back as we were still tight up ‘’ Eliza ‘’ I whisper again.  I feel her move around so I guess she’s waking up. ‘’ Jenny? ‘’ she says. ‘’ Yeah! Did you just have the same dream as I had? ‘’ I ask. It is weird right? Having her in my dream it felt so real! ‘’ Yeah I was in your dream and you were in mine’’ She says. ‘’  What the fuck.. how is that even possible? ‘’  I say. ‘’ I don’t know.. maybe we can sort of read each other’s minds or something? And that what we thought was a dream wasn’t a dream at all but a place we can go to and talk to each other? ‘’ she says but it sounds more like a question. ‘’ Maybe.. ‘’ I say. Than the door swings open. Sam and Jesse stand in front and they come into the van and closing the door again.  ‘’ What the fuck are you doing here? ‘’ I say. The car starts to drive again. ‘’  We need to keep an eye on you girls ‘’ Jesse says. ‘’ Yeah right like we’re going to jump out of an moving car while we are stuck to each other. ‘’  I say sarcastically.  ‘’ You never know ‘’  Sam says. They sit down and play with their phones. ‘’ This is so not fair ‘’ I say to Eliza. ‘’ I know right! They can have their phone, but if we want to listen to music we get slapped.’’  She says. ‘’ You girls are unbelievable. ‘’ They say in unison. ‘’ I have no idea what Jackson is going to do with 2 of these noisy, irritating girls like you. ‘’ Jesse says . ‘’ I agree, he must have huge plans for you because I would go totally nuts if I had to keep you’’ Sam says agreeing with Jesse. ‘’ Well you don’t need to keep us. Let us go ‘’  I say. ‘’ No ‘’  Sam says.  ‘’ it’s no use Jenny, they won’t listen. ‘’ Eliza says. ‘’ It’s just not fair. ‘’  I say ‘’ why are we so important to them? ‘’  I whisper. ‘’ I don’t know either.’’ Eliza whispered back. ‘’ What are we going to do when we arrive wherever we’re going to? ‘’  I ask the boys. ‘’ Jackson decides. ‘’  Jesse says calmly. ‘’ Ok’’ I say blankly. Everyone stays in silent for a while. Suddenly the car stops. ‘’ We’re here ‘’  Sam says and he stands up unwrapping me and Eliza from each other. He grabs my back and pushes me out of the van. Jesse does the same with Eliza.  Our hands get tight up behind our back and we get lead into a weird house. Not really weird it’s a mansion but why would he keep us here? ‘’ Sam, Jesse. Take them to the basement. ‘’ Jackson says as he walks into the house. ‘’ This way ‘’  Sam says and he rudely pushes me towards the basement. ‘’Aren’t you afraid we’re going to scream? ‘’ I say jokingly. Not really actually, I would scream but my voice is so bad from the pill we had earlier.  ‘’ It doesn’t matter if you scream, no one will hear you. ‘’ Jesse says ‘’ Yeah didn’t you see that this is the only house in this area? The next house is like 4 kilometres away or something’’ Sam says.’’ Not worth my voice ‘’ I laugh and they look at me with an serious face. ‘’  well I am sorry for lightening the mood Jeeszz ‘’  I say and sigh. ‘’ Eliza sit here ‘’  Jesse says to her. ‘’ No why can’t I sit here? ‘’ She says while she points to the spot next to me. ‘’ Just go sit the fuck over there’’ Jesse says pissed off. ‘’ Don’t need to yell ‘’  Eliza says . Jesse is getting annoyed of our behaviour and I think they all are getting annoyed. WHO THE FUCK CARES? THEY ARE KEEPING US AGAINST OUR WILL! Eliza sits on the spot and the rope that’s lays on the ground goes around her to keep her on her place. ‘’ Let me guess I have to sit in that corner ‘’ I point towards the corner that’s across Eliza. ‘’ No you stay right there ‘’ Sam says and he puts another rope around me. ‘’ NOT TO TIGHT DIMWIT!’’ I shout ‘’ You’ve hurt me enough! I don’t need any more bruises.’’ I say rude. ‘’ Your own fault. ‘’ He says and he tightens the rope around me. ‘’ I swear! If I come out of here the first I am going to do is put this exact rope around you as tight as you do it with me now!’’ I whine. Fuck this rope is tight. It’s a miracle that I can still breath.  He finally loosens the rope. ‘’ Thank you ‘’ I say . ‘’We need to leave. We’ll be back and do not try something stupid. ‘’  Jesse says and they leave the room. ‘’ Where the fuck are we? ‘’ I ask Eliza. ‘’ No idea but what I do know is that we are way too far from home. ‘’ She says. ‘’ What are they going to do to us?’’ She asks. ‘’No idea but it never ends well when 2 girls are kept against their will by 5 boys..’’ I say and I swallow the thoughts of what they all could do to us. I shiver.  ‘’ Ugh is it me or is it way too cold down here? ‘’ I say with Goosebumps all over my body. ‘’ It’s cold down here ‘’ Eliza says. ‘’ Shall we go to sleep? I am quit tired ‘’ Eliza says and I nod. ‘’ good idea ‘’ I say and we both lay against a wall far away from each other.  I wake up from a cracking sound. ‘’ Eliza is that you? ‘’ I whisper quietly. No answer. It must’ve been the wind. I close my eyes again and I feel something heavy rest on my body. I flutter my eyes open again and I see Sam and Jesse in the room with.. Blankets? ‘’ What are you doing?’’ I ask still half asleep. ‘’  You guys feel like ice. We just grabbed some blankets for you. ‘’ Sam says. ‘’ Thanks ‘’ I say and I shut my eyes again. I am trying to sleep but no here are  Sam and Jesse having a deep conversation.. I wonder what they are talking about. I decide to not think anymore and be quiet. Maybe I can hear something important. ‘’ Have you asked Jackson what he is planning to do with them? ‘’ Sam asks Jesse. ‘’ He won’t say it. He says there is no one he can trusts.’’ I hear Jesse say. ‘’  mm.. ‘’ I hear Sam mumble. ‘’ He said we need to keep an eye on these girls we can’t let them alone for a minute because they can do special things. ‘’ Jesse says. ‘’ Special things?’’  Sam asks. ‘’ Yeah no idea what he was referring to but that’s what he said. ‘’ Jesse says and again I hear Sam mumble. ‘’ I suppose we should get some sleep? ‘’ Sam says. ‘’ Yeah probably the best idea. ‘’  Jesse says while he yawns.

‘’Night Jesse’’ Sam says and I hear him move. ‘’ night Sam’’ Jessy says and there is a long silence. Way to long. I can’t sleep. I move around and the blanket is now in my face. ‘’ fuck’’ I mumble. ‘’ Need help? ‘’ I see Sam standing in front of me. ‘’ yes can you fix this damn blanket? ‘’ I ask. He tugs me in and I close my eyes again. ‘’ goodnight.’’ Sam says. ‘’ night ‘’ I say blankly.

What happened here? Where are they? Why don’t Sam and Jesse know about Jacksons plan? What is going to happen to Jenny and Eliza? Will they ever escape? Or will they find out a truth that neither of them can and will believe?

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