Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Jenny’s POV

After a few more rounds the door opens and Sam and Jesse step into the class. They both carry a lot of files. A file from each girl in this room. Some bigger than others. ‘’ Jackson here are the files you asked for ‘’ Jesse says. Jackson nods. ‘’ Just lay them on the desk.’’ He says and Jesse and Sam put all the files on the desk. ‘’ OKAY! SHUT UP!’’ Jackson yells. We are going to ask all of you a few questions. One by one.’’ He says. First is the crying bitch that attacked me at sports.  After a few minutes she came back with a black eye and blood in her mouth. I guess she deserved it. They pick girls one by one and lead them to Jackson that is in another room. ‘’Jenny come’’ Sam says. I stand up and walk towards the door. ‘’ don’t you try and run’’ He says and he puts a hand in the small of my back. ‘’You have 2 damn seconds to get your hands of me’’ I say rude. ‘’ oh you got some spice in you don’t you? ‘’ he says with amusement. ‘’ Why would you think I would make a run for it? If I do so you shoot me’’ I say still annoyed with his hand on my back. ‘’ you’re smart too! ‘’ He says. ‘’ Really Sam if you don’t put your hands off of me I will kick you in the nuts! ‘’ I warn him. He looks at me and he removes his hand from me. Probably because he doesn’t want blue balls. We go to a room what looks like the history room. ‘’ Well well well,’’ Jackson says. ‘’ Sit down Jennifer.’’ ‘’Don’t call me Jennifer prick. It’s Jenny’’ I say. ‘’ Jenny I have some questions for you, and you have to answer them if you don’t My dear Logan over here is going to slap you in the face until you spill.’’ He says. I look at Logan and see he has all kinds of stuff to slap me with. ‘’ K ‘’ I say with no emotion. ‘’ Tell me about your family ‘’ He says. ‘’  Why the fuck would you want to know about my family?’’ I say. ‘’ Jenny don’t annoy me! I don’t like girls who annoy me. It will never end well with them so tell me the fuck about your family.’’ He yells back. ‘’ I got one brother and my parents. ‘’ I say. ‘’ No one else? ‘’ Jackson asks confused. ‘’ Unless you count my dog no no one else.’’ I say sarcastically. ‘’ Do you know much about your past?’’ He asks. What the fuck is it with him and knowing about all this stuff? ‘’ It was as normal as any other girls past’’ I fire to him. ‘’ Tell me about it Jenny I’m getting annoyed. ‘’ He says and looks at Logan. I see Logan walking towards me. ‘’ Playing with dolls, playing outside with … ‘’ ‘’With who Jenny?’’  ‘’ With.. I don’t know why would I know that? It’s the past. ‘’ I say not really confident. ‘’ Hmm..’’ Jackson says and writes something down. ‘’ What are you writing?’’ I ask out of curiosity.  ‘’ Nothing for you to know’’ He says. ‘’ Okay than I will not say anything anymore if you don’t tell me’’ I say childish. I know I’m not being a smartass but this guy keep us at school for 2 fucking girls what the fuck is wrong with him? What is he going to do with those girls?  ‘’ Logan ‘’ Jackson says firmly and Logan walk towards me. He looks me in the eyes and give me a hard slap in my face. I already feel my cheek tingle. ‘’ Asshole ‘’ I barf. ‘’ What did you just say?’’ Logan asks angry. ‘’ I say ASSHOLE’’ I yell.. ‘’FUCK’’ I yell as I get smacked again, only this time not with his flat hand but his fist on my eye. ‘’ That’s what you get bitch. ‘’ He says and walks away again. ‘’ Jenny why is there absolutely nothing wrong with your file? You are so aggressive ‘’ Jackson says sounding fake worried. ‘’ Fuck off Jackson ‘’ I say. He smirks at me. ‘’ Sam take her back I’m done with her. ‘’ Jackson says and Sam takes me back to the class. We walk past a mirror and I stand still ‘’ Walk’’ He says. ‘’ Wait’’ I say annoyed. I touch my eye and cheek and feel a sharp pain ‘’ That’s what you get for your big mouth’’ Sam says. I look at him and he looks.. different. It’s probably the light in the hallway but he looks like a cute little boy. Only this boy has tattoos all over the place and has a fucking gun in his hand. ‘’ Why haven’t you hit me than? If I have such a big mouth’’ I say. ‘’ Because I can handle you’re shitty mood’’ He laughs. ‘’ Fuck off ‘’ I say. He opens the door for me and I am immediately greeted by crying girls. ‘’ sounds like you’re all gonna die!’’ I yell in the classroom. ‘’ Man a bit up will you? We are  kept here for god knows how long and you are all wasting your time to cry? ‘’ I yell I’m getting pissed. ‘’ Yeah what happened to us? They said they only need 2 girls, and the rest can go home! Why would you cry if you know that the chance of you going home is bigger than dying ? ‘’ Eliza joins me.  She looks at me and she looks shocked. ‘’ What the fuck did they do to you? ‘’ She asks looking at my black eye and bloody lip. ‘’ I had a big mouth.. Logan slapped me. ‘’ I say and there rolls a tear down my face.  ‘’ What did he ask you? ‘’ Eliza asks  ‘’ He asked about my family and past. ‘’ I say. ‘’  What does he want from us? Why can’t he just pick 2 girls and let everyone else go?

I sit down on the ground and grab my phone from the box that is set on the desk. ‘’ What are you doing Jenny? He may slap you again if he finds out you have your phone!’’ Eliza says worried. ‘’ No worries I’m going to ask Sam. I just want to listen to music!’’ I say and knock on the door. Sam is standing outside the classroom and he turns around to open the door. ‘’What do you want?’’ Sam says ‘’ Can I listen to music on my phone? ‘’ I ask nicely. ‘’ Uhh yea sure ‘’ He says and I walk away. I grab my earphones and start my playlist that my brother put on my phone. I sigh. ‘’ What’s the matter mad hatter? ‘’ Eliza asks sounding funny to light up the mood. ‘’ I am listening to my brothers playlist, and it reminded me of him and how I already miss my family… ‘’ I say again there is a tear escaping my eyes. ‘’ This dress is way too cold! ‘’ I say and try to cover my legs up with the dress. ‘’ I know! Why did you wear a dress again?’’ Eliza says ‘’Because dresses are nice. I look a lot sweeter in them when I am in my ripped skinny jeans and tank tops. ‘’ I say and we laugh. ‘’ We chat for a while and then Jackson storms into the room. ‘’ WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?’’ He yells towards me. ‘’ I’m listening to my fucking music dimwit’’ I say. He walks towards me and grab my phone out of my hand. ‘’ I said no fucking PHONES you’re fucking annoying!’’ He yells to me. ‘’ THAT’S IT ‘’ I yell back. ‘’ You will not fucking command me! I am not even supposed to fucking kept hostage! You brought this up to yourself asshole! ‘’ and with that said I raised my hand and give him the hardest smack in history. I even saw him bleed. ‘’ WHAT DID YOU DO?’’ I hear girls scream in my class.  ‘’ Shut up or you will get it too. ‘’ I said angry. ‘’ I looked at Jackson and he looked amused. His cheek is fucking bleeding and he looks amused? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY? ‘’ Logan come in here with the beast.’’ Jackson yells. I look at Logan who held a baseball bat. ‘’ Fuck.. ‘’ I mumble and before I know it I am down on the ground. ‘’ You should not have slapped me Jennifer ‘’ Jackson spit and he turns around again. ‘’ Eliza your turn’’ Jackson says.

Why was Jenny that stupid? Did she even realized she had messed it up big time? And what will happen to Eliza? Is she as angry as Jenny or will she come out better? After this all will they finally find out why they are being kept in the school?

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