Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Eliza’s POV

Jackson gave us all a blanket. It’s not warm, but better than nothing right? I’m freezing! It’s so cold in the classroom. Everyone is already asleep. Accept me. The floor isn’t really the best place to sleep. It’s really hard and my body hurt a lot. I’m sure I must be as blue as stitch…

I must have fallen asleep after all. When I open my eyes Jackson has his gun pointed on the girls. They all stand up and walk out of the room. I frown. What this shit? Why would Jackson take them away? Would he let them go? No probably not. Sam and Jesse are the only ones left, and they are still asleep. I look at Jenny who is lying next to me. Her eye is black vs blue. It looks very painful. I’m trying to keep quit so that Jackson won’t now that I’m awake. I don’t think talking would be a smart move right now. ‘’ What the? ‘’ I hear a voice, next to me, say. It’s Jenny. I immediately cover her mouth with my hand. I can see that she’s trying to open her eyes. But their so badly hurt that it won’t work. ‘’ Quiet Jenny! ‘’ I say. ‘’ I can’t open my fucking eyes! ‘’ she mumbles. I lay my fingers on her eyes. I try to open them. ‘’ AU! ‘’ She shouts. Quickly I cover her mouth again. Again I lay my fingers on her eyes again. But more gently this time. Somehow she can open her eyes now. She looks around and I follow her look. ‘’Where the fuck are the rest of the girls?‘’ Jenny whispers. ’’I don’t know, I woke up and they were gone.’’ I say. ‘’ Fuck Jenny your eyes are almost black and you have a huge bruise on your left cheek! ‘’ I says and touches it. ‘’ AU!!! Don’t touch please! It hurts like hell! ‘’ She  whisper-yell. ‘’ Sorry ‘’ I say. Suddenly the rest of the girls walk in the classroom again with Jackson follow them. They’re all crying. ‘’Jenny, Eliza you’re awake! ‘’ Jackson says. Jackson walks straight to us. I see Jenny flinch back and I do the same. ‘’ Back off Jackson ‘’ Jenny says. ‘’ Oh someone has a bad mood ‘’ He says.  He sit next to us and we both go sit as far away from him as possible. ‘’Everyone can go home now. ‘’ Jackson starts. ‘’ Except 2 girls. ‘’ He says. ‘’ Jennifer, Elizabeth you need to stay. ‘’  Jackson says. I look at Jenny and her face is just like mine, I think. Shocked. ‘’If you think we’re staying with you you’re insane.‘’ Jenny says. I agree. ‘’Yea why would we listen to you in the first place!’’ I say.  I don’t think we expected that we would be those two girls. The girls they are looking for. Well.. Where they were looking for. Apparently they found us. Not that I know why we would be so special. But whatever. ‘’ You have no choice.’’  Logan says amused. Before I know what’s happening, Jenny walked to Logan and smashed something to his head. He falls to the ground. There is a lot of blood on his face and on the ground. ‘’ You’re definitely not a morning person ‘’ Sam says to her. ‘’Fuck off. All of you! ‘’ Jenny yell. ‘’We are not going anywhere!‘’ Jackson yells . ‘’ Not without the two of you! So you either come with us on your own or we are going to force you and that will not be good for you. ‘’ Jackson says. Jenny looks at me. Don’t think it will be a smart move to disobey them at this moment. I stand up and I gets pushed by Jesse. I  flinch and slap his arm away but he grabs me even tighter than before. I look at Jenny, Sam has his hand on her back but she doesn’t move it. She just walks with him without struggling. I sigh. ‘’Eh Jesse?’’ I whisper. ‘’mmm?’’ he mumbles. ‘’What will happen to us?’’ I ask. ‘’Lost your big mouth in the classroom? Should we look for it?’’ he says with a smile. ‘’Just answer me Jesse’’ I say rude. ‘’Oh I found it.’’ He says. ‘’But frankly speaking, I don’t know. Only Jackson knowns.’’ He says. I frown. My parents pup into my mind. Will they miss me? Will they try to find me? Probably not… We walk towards a black van. I try to read the license plate, but there is none. Suddenly I get a big smack on my head and everything is black.

I try to open my eyes. My head really hurts. I try to remember what happened. Hostage. Jackson. Sam. Jesse. Logan. Nick. Van. Smack on the head. Yup I remember. I wish it just all could be a nightmare. But I’m not that lucky. I try to move my hands but something blocks that. My hands are tied up to each other. Tied back together with another pair of hands. Jenny? Great… I pull and pull but it won’t work as I planned. I look around. We are still in the van. ‘’Jenny? Jenny!’’ I whisper. I hear some mumble. ‘’Eliza? Is that you?’’ she asks. ‘’Yup it’s me. Our hands are tied together.’’ I say. I can feel she tries to pull her hands. ‘’Au. Can you please stop that. It hurts.’’ I say. ‘’Sorry.’’ She whispers. ‘’Where are Sam, Jesse, Nick, Logan and Jackson?’’ she asks. I shrug my shoulders but then I remember she can’t see that. ‘’I don’t know.’’ I say. We both sigh at the same time. ‘’I guess they are just sitting in the car. While we are tied up.’’ I say. ‘’What should we do.’’ Jenny says. ‘’Yea. We have to get out of here. I don’t know what they planned to do with us but I won’t stay to figure out.’’ I say. ‘’How? Not to be a killjoy or anything, but we’re tied up.’’ Jenny says. ‘’Yea, no shit Sherlock.’’ I say back. ‘’QUIET!’’ We hear Jackson shout. ‘’Could he just for ones leave us ALONE!’’ I yell. ‘’BE QUIET OR WE WILL SMACK YOU AGAIN!’’ I hear Logan yell. ‘’WELL BE MY GUEST! THEN I WON’T THINK OF YOU!’’ Jenny yells back. I chuckle. The van suddenly stops and the rear doors open. Logan and Nick walk in. ‘’Great, just the persons I wanted to see.’’ I say sarcastically. ‘’Shut it!’’ Nick says. I sigh. ‘’Why would we?!’’ Jenny says. ‘’Just give them that pill.’’ Logan says. Nick nods. ‘’What kind of pill?’’ I ask. ‘’Oh just a pill that makes you sleep.’’ Nick says. ‘’Why should we take it? I don’t want to sleep!’’ I say. ‘’You don’t have a choice I this. From now on we choose for you!’’ Nick yells in my face. ‘’Yak, you smell bad.’’ I say. The next thing I feel is a smack on my cheek. ‘’Really? You’re going to slap me?’’ I say. Nick nods. He is smirking. I roll my eyes. ‘’Logan, put the pill in their mouths. The sooner the better.’’ Nick says. Logan nods and walks towards Jenny. He puts the pill in her mouth. He brings a bottle of water to her mouth and make her drink it. ‘’SWALLOW!’’ He yells. ‘’ I can’t see what happens but I can hear it. ‘’Nighty night Jenny.’’ He says. Logan walks to me now. He sits down on his knees I front of me. And he puts a pill and some water in my mouth. ‘’Swallow.’’ He says slowly. I shake my head. I really don’t want to swallow that pill. ‘’SWALLOW!’’ he yells. ‘’You have to swallow at some point anyway.’’ He says. I close my eyes and shake my head again. I can feel that I have to swallow. You just have that feeling sometimes. It feels like I will choke if I don’t. So I swallow… ‘’Sweet dreams Elizabeth.’’ Logan says. And that is the last thing I hear before everything went black again. I’m asleep. I was hoping it would be dreamless, but it isn’t. I’m dreaming… And I’m not alone… Is that.. JENNY!

What will happen to them? Where will Jackson take them? And what will he do to them? Will they find a way to escape? Or will they stay to figure out why they’re kidnapped in the first place? And what if they don’t like what they’ll find out?

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