Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Jenny’s POV

''Jenny…’’ Eliza says. Something in her voice doesn’t sound good. ‘’ What’s up? ‘’ I whisper back at her. ‘’ I… I think Jackson is right… I think we really can do special things.’’ Eliza says. ‘’Why would you think that? ‘’ I ask. ‘’ Because… because I just read Logan’s mind…’’ She says very quiet. ‘’ Shit no you didn’t ? ‘’ I say. What is happening to us? Why can we do this stuff? ‘’ Yes I did.. and I don’t think I like what he just said..’’ She says. ‘’ What did he say?’’ I ask.  ‘’He said that he hates us.. and he hopes that Jackson’s plan will work.’’ She says. ‘’ What plan? What are they going to do to us? ‘’ I ask ‘’ I don’t know he didn’t thought about it.’’ She says. I mumble. Sam and Jesse left the room leaving us alone with Logan.. ‘’What are you looking at dimwit? ‘’ I say annoyed. This boy is really getting on my nerves. ‘’Don’t have a big mouth towards me Jenny. You know I can hurt you more than you’ll ever feel ‘’ He threatens. ‘’ Sure you can sugar’’ I say. He annoys me so I’ll annoy him. ‘’Jenny I mean it shut the fuck up. ‘’ He warns and he pulls out a gun. ‘’ Why would I shut up? You’re the one that is keeping us against our own will! ‘’ I start to yell. I am really getting pissed. I haven’t had a shower in three days and I feel dirty and gross. ‘’ Okay I’m done with you! ‘’ He says and he shoots. Not on me but in the air. ‘’ this is just a warning bitch. Next time it’s you! ‘’ He threatens again.  ‘’ Just stay quiet until Sam and Jesse  come back. They’re nicer than Logan. ‘’  Eliza whispers. ‘’ Okay.. ‘’  I say and I lay against the freezing wall with the blanket around me. Just as I was drifting off into sleep I hear someone in my head. ‘’Jenny?'’ Eliza says. ‘’Huh? Eliza what’s this?‘’ I ask. ‘’it works!‘’ She squeals. ‘’Headache!!!’’ I  say. ‘’I’m in your head! We can talk without them knowing that we talk!‘’ She says. ‘’What if they find out?‘’ I ask. ‘’they can’t hear us! They won’t find out! ‘’ She says. ‘’True!'’ I laugh. ‘’Should we try to escape?‘’ She asks.  I look at her with an concerned look. ‘’They will know but they won’t shoot us because they need us.‘’ I say. ‘’True.. maybe we should wait and try to find out why they need us and what the heck is going on!‘’ She says. ‘’Sounds good to me!‘’ I say. ‘’Now please go out of my head I am trying to take a nap! ’ I say. ‘’Okay sleep well‘’ She says.  And with that she’s out of my head.

I try to sleep but it’s no use.  Than Sam and Jesse walk into the room. They look pissed off. Logan greets them and walks out of the room. ‘’ Where were you? You left us with Mr. Annoying. I joke. ‘’ Shut up. ‘’ Sam says blankly. ‘’ Well that’s nice to say. ‘’ I say again this time a bit ruder. ‘’ Jenny shut the fuck up or there are consequents ‘’ Jesse says and I look at Eliza with a what the fuck look. I stand up and lean against the cold wall. ‘’ Don’t need to be rude.’’  I say.  Sam walks towards me and he hits me in my stomach. ‘’ WHAT WAS THAT GOOD FOR? ‘’ I shout. My hands on my stomach as there is a pain shot in my belly. ‘’ You need to learn to shut up! ‘’ Sam says and he looks serious. ‘’ No need to hit her! HAVEN’T WE HAD ALREADY TO MUCH PAIN? ‘’  Eliza yells. Sam walks towards Eliza and hits her even harder than me. ‘’ WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? ‘’ I yell and this time it’s me who walks towards Sam and Jesse. I hit Sam hard in his face. He gets a cut in his face and he looks angry. Not pissed no this is full anger towards me. ‘’  Shit ‘’ I say. I look into his eyes. Wait.. I can manipulate right? I don’t know but there is one thing how to find out.   Hit Jesse  I think while I look into Sam’s eyes. He looks at me like he is looking in my soul. Like I have full control over this. ‘’ Sam what are you …. ‘’ Jesse starts but can’t finish his sentence. Sam is hitting Jesse hard in his face. Jesse is on the floor by know and Sam is kicking Jesse in the stomach. ‘’STOP SAM!‘’ Jesse yells. Sam immediately stopped and helped Jesse up. ‘’ I am so sorry man! I didn’t do it! It wasn’t me!‘’ He apologies. ‘’I know it was them. ‘’ He says to Sam and they both look towards us. ‘’they are evil.‘’ Sam says. I look towards Eliza and we were both astonished.  ‘’What was that?’’ I ask in my head concentrating on Eliza. Hoping she hears it.  ‘’You just made Sam hit Jesse‘’  She says. ‘’We are really evil!‘’ I Say. ‘’No we aren’t! they’re the bad guys!‘’ Eliza says  She looks at me. Before I could say anything more I feel something sharp hit my face. ‘’ What the fuck? ‘’ I say. I touch my cheek and feel blood. And a deep cut.  This is not good! ‘’ WHAT DID YOU DO!‘’ I yell. ‘’I did what you deserved!‘’ Jesse says ‘’YOU’RE PSYCO! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!‘’ Eliza shouts. She walks towards Jesse and she hit him straight in the balls making him scream as a girl and fall to the ground, grabbing his manhood and almost crying from the pain. ‘’Eliza.. I don’t feel so good‘’  I say feeling light headed and dizzy. ‘’Drink some water.'’ She says and hands me my water. I take a sip and feel a little bit better. ‘’ Thanks.‘’ I mumble.

The door swings open and an angry Jackson is standing in the doorway. ‘’WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE?‘’  He screams. ‘’They did it Jackson.. They made me hit Jesse. I have no idea how they did it but it happened.‘’ Sam says. ‘’So you girls think you can manipulate my men?‘’ Jackson says making his way to us. ‘’we didn’t do anything'’ I say trying to defend my lie. ‘’Then who did it? The little monsters in the closet?‘’ He asks annoyed. ‘’you need to watch your behaviour.‘’ Jackson says. ‘’OR ELSE WHAT DIMWIT?‘’ I yell. Why the fuck do they keep saying things like we need to watch how we act and stuff like that? They won’t tell us why we’re here, where we are and why we are so special…  SMACK ‘’This is for yelling at me‘’ Jackson begins. SMACK ‘’this is for your behaviour’’ SMACK ‘’and this one is because I felt like it.‘’ Jackson finish and I feel my cheek tingle. I feel light headed and more dizzy than before. My cheek is still bleeding. ‘’Jenny are you okay? You look pale! ‘’ Eliza asks worried. I look at her at she looks blurred. ‘’I .. I.. ‘’ I start but I end up hitting the cold hard floor with my head. My eyes are still open and I can hear everything they say but I can’t see straight anymore.  ‘’WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER?’’ I hear Eliza yell towards Jackson.  ‘’She deserved it! ‘’  Jackson yells back. SMACK. I hear. ‘’ YOU BITCH!‘’ Jackson screams. Which means Eliza hit him. ‘’You get what you deserve!‘' She says and I hear a smack again. ‘’FUCK YOU!! I’M BLEEDING! YOU BITCH!‘’ I hear Jackson yell and He smacks her. ‘’SHIT‘’ she screams. I hear someone fall to the ground and I assume it’s her. ‘’Leave them alone for a while. They don’t deserve human attention‘’ Jackson says and they leave the room. ‘’Jenny?‘’ She asks. I want to say something back but I can’t everything is blurred and I honestly don’t know if I make it.  I start to drift away……

‘’JENNY!!!!‘’ Eliza screams. I open my eyes. ‘’What?‘’ I mumble. ‘’Thank god you’re back!‘’ She says relieved. Shit I forgot. I had a blackout. ‘’How long was I out?‘’ I ask her. ‘’ Umm like 15 minutes? ‘’ She says. ‘’Fuck.‘’ I say.  ‘’What happened.?‘’ I ask. ‘’Well, you got hit by Jackson and you blacked out. I got hit too but not that bad! I held you the whole time because you looked so pale and you felt cold.‘’ She says. ‘’The whole time I replayed this sentence.‘’ She says and she starts to say the sentence ‘’Please heal Jenny, please heal Jenny..‘’ She says. ‘’So .. you can heal me?‘’ I ask. This is unbelievable! What is happening?
What just happened? Sam and Jesse are ruder than ever! What did Jackson say to them? And why is it such a big deal for Jenny and Eliza to find out everything? They had a good life back at home and now they are kept hostage.. When can they return to their home? Or maybe a better question can be ; Will they ever go back to how it used to be, or will they conquer a whole new life?

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