Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Eliza’s POV

I slowly open my eyes. I’m still in the basement. I look around. Jenny is still asleep, well it looks that way. ‘’Jenny?’’ I whisper. No reaction. ‘’Jenny?’’ I say. Still no reaction from her. ‘’She’s asleep.’’ I hear a voice say. I look at the person who was talking. Jesse. ‘’Yea, I figured.’’  I say. ‘’Slept well?’’ he asks while he stretches . ‘’What do you think?’’ I say already annoyed. Okay, I’m kind of a morning person, but when our kidnapper asks you if you slept well on the hard, and not to forget cold, floor then you got me annoyed. ‘’I’m on the hard cold floor with two kidnappers in a basement. My wrists are bound together with a rope. Oh and had I already told you that It’s freezing her!’’ I say harsh. ‘’Relax. Don’t you like the blanket?’’ he asks. I frown and look at my body. He’s right. There is a blanket covering my cold body. The blanket isn’t that warm, but it’s better than nothing. ‘’Thanks.’’ I say quietly. He smiles. No smirking this time. That’s new. But still we’re kidnapped in a basement by five boys. And me and Jenny don’t even know why… I sigh. ‘’Jesse, may I ask you something?’’ I ask. ‘’Yes, you may.’’ He says in the same way as I did. ‘’Why? Why us? I mean, we’re not that special anyway.’’ I say. He shrugs his shoulders. ‘’I don’t know. I really don’t. and even if I knew, I won’t tell you.’’ He says. ‘’Great…’’ I say more to myself then to Jesse. I look at Jenny. She is still asleep. She looks so sweet, but when she’s awake she’s much more than just that. She is a tough girl. Just like me. We can do this. Together. She slowly opens her eyes. I smile. ‘’Morning sunshine.’’ I say. She groans. I can see in her eyes that her body still hurts. Well, I know the feeling. And the hard floor didn’t really help. My whole body hurts. And I feel filthy. ‘’Got some sleep?’’ I ask. I know she hasn’t slept well. Neither did I. How could you on a hard floor with only a thin blanket? She nods. ‘’Not much though.’’ She says. ‘’What time is it?’’ Jenny asks to Jesse. Jesse is just waking Sam. ‘’10 AM.’’ He answers. Jenny nods. ‘’Can we get some breakfast? I’m STARVING!’’ I say. I haven’t eat a thing since Tuesday afternoon. Since they kidnapped us. And my stomach sounds like a pig. I swear! It really does! ‘’Yea, same here!’’ Jenny says. ‘’Ugh! Won’t you girls ever shut the fuck up!’’ Sam says. He just woke up and I can tell you that he’s not a morning person.  ‘’Woke up the wrong side of the bed?’’ Jenny asks with a smile on her face. I can’t help it but to smile too. Sam opens his mouth to say something but someone else is first. ‘’Relax Sam. I have some breakfast for those two girls.’’ It’s Logan. He walks in to the basement and he’s holding a plate. A plate which is filled with sandwiches. Not much though. But right now I will eat almost everything. ALMOST. There’s even some water on the plate. ‘’Put Eliza next to Jenny!’’ Logan says. Jesse nods and he helps me to get to my feet. I walk to Jenny and Logan pushes me on my butt. Now we’re both sitting against the wall. ‘’Hey.’’ She says with a smile. I smile back. Yep, I’m sure. We can defeat this together. It would be nice if we knew what to defeat… But still. Logan puts the plate in front of us. ‘’bon appétit’’ he says. He turns around and starts to walk back to Jesse and Sam. ‘’Seriously!’’ I yell. He turns round again. There is a big fat smirk covering his face. ‘’What’s the problem?’’ he asks innocent. ‘’Oh I don’t know… maybe the fact that our hands are tied on our backs, so we can’t eat.’’ Jenny says. Logan walks to us. ‘’So you want me to…’’ he starts. I sigh. Seriously? He is just doing this on purpose. Just to annoy us. ‘’To untie us. So we can eat. Duh.’’ I say. ‘’Watch the mouth!’’ he says. His face is way too close to mine when you ask me. I roll my eyes. ‘’Just untie us.’’ Jenny says. Logan sighs. He grabs me by my arms and he helps me to stand up. He turns me around so my face is now pointed to the wall and my back to him. I can feel his hands on the knotted rope around my wrists. Ad I feel the rope loosen up. Finally, my hands are free again. I bring them to my face and I look at my wrists. They’re red. ‘’Untie Jenny.’’ Logan says. He doesn’t have to say that twice. I help Jenny to stand up as well and I untie her. ‘’Thanks.’’ She says while she looks at her wrists. ‘’Mine are red as well.’’ I say. ‘’Well, let’s eat. I’m starving.’’ Jenny says. I nod and we both sit down again. There are six sandwiches and two bottles filled with water on the plate. They put cheese on each sandwich. ‘’Not my favorite. Cheese in the morning… But right now I could eat everything.’’ Jenny says. I nod and we start to eat. We don’t say a word until we’re done eating. I don’t drink up all of the water. Just half of it. Jenny does the same. ‘’Who knowns when we will get water again.’’ I say. ‘’Yea, you’re right.’’ She says. Logan is still in de basement. He’s talking with Sam and Jesse. They’re talking very quietly. I guess so Jenny and I can’t hear them. ‘’Can you hear what they’re saying?’’ Jenny asks. I shake my head. ‘’Nope.’’ I say. Logan’s eyes point to us ad he is smirking. Again. ‘’He knowns something.’’ I whisper. Jenny nods. ‘’I think you’re right. Sam knowns nothing.’’ She whispers. ‘’Neither does Jesse.’’ I whisper. ‘’We really have to figure out!’’ she whispers. ‘’This night I heard Sam and Jesse talking. Jesse said that they have to keep their eyes on us. Jackson told them to. Jackson also said that apparently we can do special things. They don’t know what he meant by that either. He don’t trust anyone. Maybe he trusts Logan. Only Logan, and maybe Nick.’’ Jenny says. Her eyes widen. ‘’Remember when Jackson hit himself?’’ she asks. I think back to the moment in the classroom where he did hit himself. I nod. ‘’Well, on that moment I was thinking that he should slap himself. What if… well I don’t know, what if I made him hit himself with my mind?’’ she asks. I frown. ‘’It kind of sounds weird, but it could be possible. What if we indeed can do special things?’’ I ask. She shrugs her shoulders. Again Logan looks at us. Why is he looking at us? I look back at him. I wish I could hear what he was thinking. He smirks at me. I really really wish I could hear what he is thinking. Suddenly I hear a voice in my head. I really hate those girls. Why couldn’t it just be two crying girls. They were even less annoying then Eliza and Jenny… I hope Jackson’s plan will work out.

Then I close my eyes to stop the voice. It works. I know from who that voice was… But I don’t know if I like what I know… What if it’s true? What if Jenny and I can do special things? ‘’Jenny…’’ I whisper. ‘’What’s up?’’ she says. She looks at me and her face goes from normal to worried. ‘’What happened?’’ she whispers. ‘’I… I think Jackson is right… I think we really can do special things.’’ I say. ‘’Why would you think that?’’ she asks. ‘’Because… because I just read Logan’s mind…’’ I say very very quiet.

What’s happening to them? Is it true? Are they really special? And why can Eliza read Logan his mind? What will happen next? Can they handle all this new information?

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