Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Jenny’s POV

What the fuck is going on out there? Eliza saying in my head that she has a lot of pain in her head, that she is feeling cold. I had a lot of pain in my head and I felt as hot as the sun. These surprises need to stop! This is not me anymore. I don’t even recognize myself anymore. I just miss everyone back home! Don’t get me wrong, I love Eliza, but I miss Michael, Jack and my parents. Maybe I will never see them again! This sucks. Suddenly I hear the door open. I see someone walking in and closing it behind. ‘’Brought you some food’’ I hear a male voice say. It must be Sam because he’s the only one here that I kind of like. He’s nicer than Jackson and Logan and Nick. I hate those guys! I think there is a lot more behind Sam than that he tells us. ‘’Thanks’’ I mumble. ‘’Why did you set Jesse on fire?’’ he asks. ‘’Sam believe me when I see I honestly don’t know!’’ I say. ‘’How did you do it?’’ He asked again. ‘’I don’t know.. All I know is that he pissed me off and I got a huge headache.. and I started to burn up.. and before I knew it he was on fire.’’ I say. There is no need to lie anymore. Sooner or later they will find out everything we can.. I don’t even know everything yet. Like how is it possible that we can do this kind of things. It’s like magic! Magic doesn’t exists. I thought that magic is an illusion. ‘’Jenny!’’ I got snapped out of my thoughts. I see Sam above me. Way to close. ‘’What?’’ I say. ‘’You blacked out.. ‘’ He says unsure. ‘’I did not! I was here the whole time’’ I say confident. I didn’t go anywhere! ‘’You fell and you didn’t respond for like 2/3 minutes’’ He says. ‘’What the fuck?’’ I say. ‘’SOOO..’’ I hear Jackson’s voice. ‘’ It works.’’ He says. ‘’What works?’’ I say. ‘’Well, my dear Logan over here, invented a toy.. I can black you out anytime I want.’’ He says. ‘’Jackson isn’t that dangerous?’’ Sam says. ‘’ Yeah it is, but hey I don’t mind! I’ll only use it for these two rats!’’ He spits. ‘’so Jennifer, you better listen to me and tell me everything you know, or else I will black you out and on a long term it’s going to be dangerous, you can even lose your memory.’’ He says. ‘’Eliza what have you told Jackson about our powers?’’ I think. Jenny! I only told him about me healing you.. And I guess he knows about my ice power..’’ She thinks back. ‘’ Logan invented this blackout machine, he can black you out anytime you want and it’s dangerous! He wants me to tell him everything or else he will use it on me!’’ I think.  I don’t hear her anymore. WHAT IS GOING ON? ‘’What are you doing to us?’’ I say towards Jackson. ‘’It’s not what I am doing to you, it’s what you will do to me!’’ He says. ‘’WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?’’ I Yell. ‘’Wait and see Jenny, wait and see.’’ He says. Minutes pass and I still haven’t heard from Eliza, I tried to contact her but still nothing. Then I hear someone opening the door. I see Nick holding Eliza and she… is she sleeping? No!! he used his machine on her. ‘’YOU PRICK!’’ I yell. I run towards Jackson and hit his chest. ‘’WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!’’ I scream as loud as my lungs can go. I give him a few good hits, one that I am sure I broke his nose. ‘’YOU BITCH YOU SIT THE FUCK DOWN AND YOU’RE NOT GOING TO MOVE OR YOUR LITTLE FRIEND OVER HERE IS GOING TO SUFFER BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT LISTENING TO WHAT I SAY!’’ He spits at me.  I look over where Sam and Jesse are and they look at me with sympathise. What did we do to get treated like this? Have we done something wrong in live? I always knew I was different from the other girls in school because I didn’t care about anyone’s opinion. But that doesn’t make me a bad person. I haven’t done anything bad in my life! I always helped people when they needed my help! I even donated tons of money to charities. I bought food for homeless people. You can’t tell me I am a bad person because I am not. We don’t deserve this. This is too crazy to be true! What if this is all just a dream? And I will wake up any moment now and… No this is real.. If it wasn’t real I would have woken up by now. ‘’You can’t hurt us because you need us’’ I say calmly. It’s true, Jackson needs us. If he didn’t need us he wouldn’t make such an effort for us to talk. He would have already killed us by now, but he didn’t and he won’t ever do it. ‘’I don’t need you! There are plenty girls out there that I can use’’ He spits. But I see a blink of panic in his eyes. ‘’Then kill us’’ I say. ‘’If you don’t need us kill us.’’ I say confident. He looks at me with disbelief and a small smirk is forming on his lip. ‘’You know Jenny, for a pity girl you have some balls!’’ He says. Oh no, not this again. He is such a asshole! ‘’I’m serious, if you don’t need us kill me right here right now!’’ I say. ‘’no’’ he says blankly. ‘’Then you need us. And you won’t kill us’’ I say now I am smirking. He looks at me then at Eliza. ‘’then say goodbye to Eliza because if you don’t tell me what you know she is dead and I let you live’’ He says. Shit I didn’t thought he would do that. I thought he was too dumb to even think about it. ‘’what’s it going to be Jennifer?’’ He says. ‘’STOP CALLING ME JENNIFER! IT’S JENNY!’’ I yell. ‘’THAN ANSWER ME!’’ He yells back. ‘’If you leave Eliza alone I will.’’ I say. I am not risking our lives. ‘’We’ll see about that’’ He says. ‘’No Jackson I am serious, leave Eliza alone and I will tell you everything I know! If you don’t leave her alone I will make you regret it!’’ I threat. ‘’Fine. If you tell me everything you know, I will leave her alone.’’ He finally says. ‘’Okay, here it goes’’ I start. ‘’I can manipulate you. I can heal Eliza. I don’t know if I can do it on other people too. I can move stuff with my eyes. And I can do stuff with fire, I get a headache, I burn up and I can set things or people on fire. Eliza can Heal me. She has something going on with Ice and she can move stuff too. This is all I know! I swear!’’ I say. He doesn’t have to know that Eliza can read their minds, and that we can communicate. He will never find out. ‘’Are you sure you’re not leaving any details behind? You really are telling the truth?’’ He asks. I look him in the eyes.’’ Yes this is everything I know’’ I say. He looks at me again and I just look back. I am not scared of him. ‘’good to know.’’ He says Eliza gets thrown on the floor and I rush to her. She opens her eyes and I smile. ‘’ I told them the things we can do.’’ I say. She looks at me and she smiles.
What is Jackson doing? What is his plan? What will he do with the information he has? And will he ever find out that they can do more than just that? It’s a mystery to all of us and there is more to come. Will Eliza and Jenny finally find out the truth?

Hey you guys, We've been really busy with school so it can take some time before we update the next chapters. We're so sorry but we promise to update soon!


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