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I want to be brief on my dedication as I will not say much and exactly go straight to my point. This piece of work is respectfully and affectionately addressed to teenage boys and girls my age-- (if you care to know, am actually a teenager too) from 13 to 19 going through a lot of adolescent struggles right now.

You're definitely not alone... We're all together. Adolescence is a mandatory stage in life where we feel different kind of emotions; love, hate, oppression, and even frustration!

Some teens wonder what love is and why we feel that way sometimes...... We wonder if it's true... Too good to be true? As we've all heard while growing up, teenage love is the best experienced kind of love during our adolescent hood because its most likely to be our first.

Other teens end up feeling hate immediately after being struck by puberty. The responsibility of why! Why!! Why!! Why do we have to take up the responsibility of caring for ourselves now?? Of helplessly having to see blood flow from our vagina every month. Its all too much to take in at probably 13! The truth is nature does not give us all the time in the world to get ready. We have to be prepared on our own.

Then most teens, end up being oppressed by their peers either in school or at home. They feel inferior all the time and at the end of the day, round up being bullied by the so called superiors exactly their age.

Lastly, the random kind of teen life.... Frustration! Why do we need to be caged? We're just young adults who crave to explore. To see the world. To know the things our parents keep shielding us from having the slightest knowledge about. The more we want to know that thing..... But here's this truth; our parents want the best for us but keep doing it the wrong way.... Which makes us eager and anxious at the end of the day. Is this right???

As leaders of tomorrow, we should do 'US'...... Never feel entitled to please others. Surrender to the cards you are dealt. Its from that surrender that we get our power.... So never compare yourself to anyone else! That's all.

I hope this novel entice you as you read carefully. Thank you.

~~Books by the same author~~
•Torn between emotions
•Chasing dreams
And even more.......

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