~Chapter six~

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                      | The sunrise painting |

The whole family were seated at the dining, having dinner when Mr Notkers broke the silence with a deep voice, "how was school today boys?" He looked from Hyacinth to Allen.

"It was fine as usual dad," Hyacinth answered in a small voice, digging into his food.

Allen was just quiet, playing with the cutleries on his plate. His aunt glanced at him.

"Allen, what about you?"

Allen hesitated at first. "Like Hyacinth said, it was fine, but not for me who don't find bullying other students interesting." He smiled cynically at Hyacinth who looked tensed by what he just said.


He met his father's harsh gaze instantly. "Sir?" his hands fidgeting and he quickly hid them under the table.

"True? You still bully other students? Or maybe this time you want to be grounded for life without your ps by your side- and I'll make sure the only thing you do is study!"

His wife gently placed her hand on his, across the table, aiming to calm him down.

"What?" He glared at her unintentionally, "your son doesn't take corrections- does he?"

"You're yelling at me!" She scolded him huskily.

On realizing what she just said, he sighed and rubbed his forehead with his thumb and forefinger, relaxing his elbow on the table. "I'm sorry," he muttered apologetically. "I'm just stressed out. We should go to bed."

Allen and Hyacinth watched them stand up. "When you boys are done, clear the table," Mrs Notkers instructed and lead her husband by the hand.

The boys glared at each other this time.

"If you have something to say to me, just say it!" Hyacinth growled.

Allen smirked, "you can't just keep your nose out of my business, can you?"

"I try to be like a brother to you but you don't even acknowledge that! What more would you like me to do?! Since you came back to Nigeria, we're not as close as we used to be and it sucks! Now it's more worse since that girl came into the picture! We all think you don't smile cuz' you're depressed and hate everything but I know it's all just a front! I saw you smile at her like it was nothing!"

"About that girl.... Her name's Kaima, and since you brought it up, we should probably talk about it asshole! You expect me to be cool with the fact that you turned into someone I don't know? Because the you right now, is someone I don't want to have anything to do with! How can bullying your peers give you satisfaction? You threaten the lives of your fellow students at school and I bet you're having a lot of fun with that! Look Hyacinth, we're both different in so many ways..... I don't want to hang out with someone as condescending as you and let me make this extremely clear....... I'm ashamed to let people know that were related."

Hyacinth chuckled hurtfully. "So what about the girl? I see the way you look at her." He tried so hard to hide his tears but they kept blurring his vision.

"You know what....... You can try to break her.... Try hard, I won't stop you, but if you hurt her, I'll forget we know each other. She's all yours to feast on- lemme know how far you can go on with that."

Is that a challenge? Hyacinth watched as he took his plate and left. Anger surged through him like fire, causing him to clench his fists hard.
Kaima with searching eyes, sighted her friends. "Girls! Wait for me!" She rushed over to them.

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