~Chapter one~

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                           | Saint Notkers high |

"They're two!" One of the three girls sitting together on a long bench announced, tossing an open book on the desk in front. The writing with blue pen on the page she opened seem to disclose an information.

"The girl in question seem to be reserved. She never talks to anyone." Another of them mused after scanning through the page with her eyes.

   The third one was quiet.

"As for the one they call Akara boy--"

"His name is David, not Akara boy," the first girl corrected. "Since when did we also ridicule our clients?"

"Sorry. David." The latter smiled apologetically. "As for David, it'll be easy to talk him out of his misery but the girl--"


"Can you just let me talk Gretel? Mtchew," she hissed and continued, "I find her case disturbing. I don't know how we can help her. Her case seem to be pyschologic and not within the school, which I can help with, yes, but...." She tilted her head in thoughts. "She's far from being an introvert. Like she's withdrawn from the social life."

"Like an enigma," Gretel as called, hinted.

"Thank you! That's the perfect description. Kaima what do you think?"

Kaima jolted, grasping out of her thoughts as the second girl's voice reverberated in her head. "Yes. I think it's very much disturbing though....." She joined in the conversation with her friends, looking at the second girl, "Sarah this one looks like it's up to you. Are you ready to do the convincing?"

   Sarah shrieked confidently. "yea baby am down for whatever! Trust me, I was born for this!" She smirked cockily.

   A tall girl walked into the classroom pompously as she cat-walked, grasping the attention of all the boys at they stared at her lustfully. The class went noisy with uproar as they cooed behind her one after the other.

"What is that one even feeling like?" Gretel muttered rhetorically, glaring at the girl.

  The three girls watched as she strolled towards a boy and bent to whisper something into his ear, causing her short skirt to ride up and expose her colourful tight that stopped just beneath her buttocks.

"Hmm!" Sarah sneered prudely at this and hissed.

"I think they make a match. The director's overly proud daughter and the proprietress's belligerent son!" Gretel remarked.
Welcome to St Notkers high, where everyone is drawn by a shiny shell. Where students are categorized by societal achievements and their parents statuses. Let me introduce;

The director's daughter; Jane Francis Umoh, who is basically known in the whole school as the queen bee of ss3 science department and head girl. She flaunts herself pompously and lest I forget, never has she been challenged by anyone. Even the teachers find it hard to call her to caution. Don't find it surprising as a Nigerian.... In my school, SURPRISES aren't a thing.

The proprietress's only child and son, Hyacinth Notker, popularly known as the highest playboy ever liveth and definitely has never been dared by anyone too. Forgot to mention... he's a jerk judging from things I've heard about him. Will it sound disappointing, to say that he is not the head boy of the school? Or he never attained the post, I guess. But some things are never left unnoticed are they? 

They are more other students who feel superior too but for now, let's dwell on the visible ones. However, Some people just want to be good in everyone's story. That is who me and my friends are.

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