~Chapter three~

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                               | They're related |

During the drive, Kaima would not stop glancing at Alenn through the corner of her left eye as they were seated side by side.

"I'll assume you're being rude by staring at me like that." Alenn broke the silence.

"Am just surprised."

He turned his head to her but not without peeking at the driver to be sure he wasn't eavesdropping on their conversation. "Why? I helped you, the least you could say was thank you."

"You're Hyacinth's cousin. I find that hard to believe and how come we've never crossed paths? You mentioned something about being the headboy, is that too, true? I don't even know you."

"I see...." He mused, "that explains why am not in your diary."

"It's not a diary but a journal!" She snapped embarrassingly.

"What's the difference?"

"Don't change the topic. Tell me about you," she demanded and Alenn smirked lightly.

"Fine. I started attending saint Notkers in ss2," he explained briefly and looked away.

Kaima scoffed unbelievably. "That's it?"

He made no response.

She kept staring at him mesmerizingly. It felt so odd and strange how this guy could come out of nowhere and claim the position of the headboy and shockingly!.... She believes it. Well it should be true with the way Hyacinth's minions respected him earlier. She could not stop herself from gazing at him that long. She noticed he winced at the slight reflex movement of his hand and her brown orbs flew to his palm. It was bruised and fainted with blood. "Blood....." She mouthed and reached for something inside her bag.

Alenn reclined his head on the headrest and closed his eyes, sighing deep. After a minute, he felt something silky on his hand and flung his eyes open immediately. He was surprised to see Kaima wrapping a handkerchief around his injury.

"Your wound is bleeding, didn't you know?" She asked, tying the silky material around the injury.

Alenn was disorientated as he continued mopping at her.

"Well.... Don't think otherwise. Am just helping cuz' I like helping people," she said, "and just in case you needed to know, if you hadn't shown up, I'd still fight for myself. Am not like the students you elite kids bully at school......"

Don't you think I know that? Alenn suddenly found himself grinning from ear to ear at her attempt at courage. His smile slowly faded as he recalled the first time he actually saw her... Or perhaps, the first time he noticed her.

"The girl apologized to you! It happened because she had something in her eyes and she didn't see you! She would never have spilled you yoghurt deliberately!"

He was looking at the one girl in the whole school who had finally stood up to his cousin. It amused him and he smiled.

"What are you guys doing? Get her out!"

He noticed the big boys of the class who frequently took Hyacinth's orders were rushing to the girl's direction and as it was, they were eventually going to pass through him to get to her. He stretched out his long leg on the road and the boys all tripped and fell on their hands and knees. Surprisingly, he was satisfied with delaying their journey in getting to her.

Enjoying the scene, "it's not because am a girl. Am saying you were wrong!" what came afterwards was a heavy punch that threw Hyacinth to the ground. It was hard not to laugh but he knew better by puffing his cheeks and clearing his throat. He folded his arms.......

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