~Chapter seven~

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                                | The math test |

"Everybody settle down for mathematics!" The male teacher commanded.

All science students walking into the class grumbled disapprovingly.

"Grumble again and watch your grades crumble in front of you," the teacher threatened.

"Oh- I detest combined class so much!" Gretel whined and stuck her face into her palms on the desk. Kaima giggled at her.

When they were all settled, the teacher said, "y'all know better than to piss me off, so respect yourselves as always. Alenn?"

"Sir Jeff?" Allen answered slowly, looking at him.

"What's the scheme of work for this week?"

He looked down at his book and flipped backwards before lifting his head up again, "solving equations," he answered.

"Thank you."

From a distance, Jane Francis's gaze was fixed on him and Kaima caught her.

"Let's begin!" The teacher exclaimed and wrote boldly on the marker board; revision.

"Revision for what sir Jeff? This is barely fourth week." Jane Francis said aloud, grasping the teacher's attention.

He smiled, "I need to be sure all of you have been paying attention in my class, and it seems like we'll start with the art students first. Kaima?"

The latter jumped from her seat nervously, breathing hard. "Sir Jeff?"

"Why don't you try walking up to the board?" The teacher asked smilingly and pointed his marker to the white board.

Kaima's heart was beating rapidly as she kept staring at the question on the board. The numbers dancing in her eyes.

"Shit!- you gat this kaima!" Gretel cheered her up and lowered her head a little as so she won't be noticed by the teacher and called out.

Maths teacher are known to be strict and merciless right? Just a full definition of sir Jeff.

She began walking to the front slowly. Some students were laughing. Sir Jeff handed her the marker which she hesitantly collected and stretched it to the board.

A thin smile curved Allen's lips as he stared at her amusingly. Gradually, his smile widened.

"Oh!-" Sadiq gasped surprisingly, gawking at Allen beside him. "Did you just laugh?" He asked.

Allen straightened his face immediately and glanced at him but said nothing. He looked away.

Kaima still standing like a log of wood in front of the class, shut her eyes tightly in embarrassment and bit her lips hard. This thing is very embarrassing. How do I solve this when I don't even know the formula?! Help... Anybody just help me!! Her head was literally going to burst from all the thoughts screaming in her head.

"We're waiting kaima--"

"I can't solve it!" She turned to the teacher with her eyes closed. "Am really sorry sir. I've been studying really hard....." She squinted her eyes open and caught some of her classmates chuckling and staring at her. She sighed and her shoulders dropped abashingly.

"That was brave enough," sir Jeff remarked and smiled. "Go back to your seat but I won't be this soft the next time you fail to solve a question on the board."

Kaima could not believe her ears. A smile transformed her face instantly. Sir Jeff must really be in a good mood today. "Thank you sir."

The whole class was just as shocked.

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