TFATWS Easter Egg Hunt Update!

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Hey all you super-soldiers!!! I hope you all are taking care of yourselves and staying healthy!

Things have been a bit up and down with writing TFATWS Easter Egg Hunt, so I wanted to post a lengthier and more official update on the state of the book. For those who follow me and have been reading my posts (oh, hi there!), you know I've been behind pretty much the entire time on this one. I've been stressing over it, struggling to keep up, and never able to give it the love and time it deserves. It's been causing me endless guilt and I've finally decided that I need to put it on hold for the time being.

The why for this is a complicated one. A couple of months ago, I started a full-time job after being unemployed for an entire year of COVID. This has caused a huge change in my energy levels and I'm still adjusting. But more than that, at almost the exact same time that I started working again, I had a close family member develop a significant health condition. I have been VASTLY unprepared (to say the least) and the struggle to deal with this is ongoing. Essentially, I went from huge amounts of time to write and interact with this community to feeling almost constantly overwhelmed and emotionally exhausted.

So, why do I bring all of this up? Since I joined Wattpad, I've wanted to build a space around my books and my profile where people feel supported, appreciated, and cared about. Taking care of yourself and those around you is a theme central to who I am and who I want to be. And the best way for me to do this is for me to step back from this book for a bit.

I still have every hope of returning to TFATWS Easter Egg Hunt. I hope you will send me Easter eggs, theories, and anything else you think of for the episodes you watch when you watch them. Episode 6 is coming up tomorrow (yes, I'm THAT behind) and I hope you will send me anything you have for it. I'd love to come back and finish this up when I have the time, the emotional capacity, and the energy.

In the meantime, I'm planning on posting more on the Untangling series. Honestly, I miss it tons and I hope you have as well. Those chapters are a bit easier to bang out, so that feels more achievable while everything is still happening in my world. (Plus when I write Untangling, I get to visit a totally different universe!)

If anything, please take this as a reminder: Be patient and kind with yourself. Take time when you need it. If you are feeling things, feel them and then let them go (but only when you are ready and able to, no pressure). You are incredible, smart, talented, caring, brave, and powerful all the time, even when you don't feel that way. And I'm sending each and every one of you good vibes and love to take whenever you need it!!!



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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