//29 - "...I promise"//

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Six Months Later

Jin heads downstairs to join his parents for breakfast, like he's always done since moving back with them. Things are going good for him right now—he's working at a small café and he's made friends with his coworkers there. He's also on track on paying his parents back by working at his mom's flower shop on weekends and he's already looking into small apartments to rent with the extra money he's saved on the side.

But despite all this, he struggles with nightmares to the point where he has to take medication in order to knock him out and get a good nights rest. He still hasn't told his parents about everything that happened yet and he's afraid to, so he's seeing a therapist in secret, paying each visit out of pocket.

At first, his parents were sad that Jin didn't stay in college like they thought he would. But they were happy nonetheless that he's back home with them, they had missed him terribly. He tried to behave like he used to so he didn't give off any red flags, however his parents noticed that he's less touchy than before. The first couple of times they hugged him or gave him any other physical affection, he would flinch before quickly dismissing it. After a while though, he was able to be more affectionate but besides his parents, he doesn't like other people getting too close.

He often wonders how Jaehwan and Lisa are doing as well as Chan. Of course, with having to get a new phone, he doesn't have their contact information anymore. He wants to look for them on other social media but he fears that if he does, they'll bombard him with questions he doesn't wish to get into. That and that they wouldn't accept him back after ghosting them for so long.

The only people he really saw the day he left was obviously Headmaster Kwon, Mr. Kim, and... Jungkook. There was no avoiding him as he had to pack all of his stuff and conveniently, he happened to be there and not at class where he was supposed to be. Jungkook begged him not to leave, to give him another chance to make it up to him. He even promised him that he would do everything in his power to protect him from then on. But his words just weren't enough to make Jin stay. Not when he felt so betrayed by him. No more words were exchanged between them and with one final glance, Jin walked out of the apartment and got into his car, driving away from the institute.

He doesn't miss it.

"I got an email back yesterday from the property manager so I'm going out to see some apartments today after work. I should be back for dinner though," Jin says, taking a bite of his buttered toast.

     His dad swallows his sip of coffee. "We don't mind having you stay here longer Jin. Don't feel pressured to look for a place already. You just got back not long ago."

     "I know but I have a stable, good paying job, I'd be happy to get a studio apartment with it. I don't need anything too big," Jin explains, taking a cautious sip of his tea.

     His mom reaches for his hand. "As long as you know that if you're in need of anything, we're always here."

     Jin smiles. "I know. Thank you."

     He gets up and pops the last bite of toast in his mouth. He grabs his thermos from the kitchen cabinet and pours the rest of his tea in it, deciding to take it to work to finish it.

     "Alright, I'm heading out. I love you guys," he says as he grabs his keys and sweater.

     "We love you too."

Finally finding a parking spot, he steps inside the café and greets a few regulars on his way to the back. He sets his thermos to the side and sheds his coat and hangs it in his small locker, stuffing his keys and phone inside the pockets.

     "Morning Jin," his coworker Changbin greets him, yawning as he grinds fresh coffee beans, his eyes threatening to close at any moment.

"Morning..." he trails. "What's up with you? You look tired," he adds as he ties his apron on after clocking in.

     "I was up all night doing my final essay for one of my classes. It has to be good so I kept revising it, otherwise I'll drop a letter grade. I can't lose my scholarship before I even start college," he explains and Jin pats his back.

"I totally get it and I'm sorry about that. Hopefully you get a good mark. You got this!" He says to cheer him up and he does get a little smile from him.

"Thanks man."

"No problem. You want me to make you your favorite?"

Changbin's smile grows bigger. "Oh my god, yes. I don't know what it is that you do but you make it so much better than me or the others. We follow the recipe but yours just comes out so good."

He chuckles. "I follow the recipe too but maybe it's because I'm your favorite person so you like it more," he jokes.

"Haha second favorite. You know I'm my number one."


     "Jungkook! Come on man, get dressed and let's go," Yugyeom sighs in exasperation when he sees Jungkook laying in bed on his phone.

     "I told you I didn't want to go," Jungkook grumbles as he stares blankly at his phone. His finger lingers over the friend request button, gazing longingly at Jin's profile picture. He ignores whatever Yugyeom is going on about and is relieved when he finally leaves.

     He's been wanting to talk to Jin since but he knew he wanted his space. But as time went by, he wished to hear his voice. Like a creep, he would check on him through his scarce posts, happy that he's safe back with his family.

     He logs off and tosses his phone to the side. No, he won't send it. He won't talk to him. Not yet.

     He's been investigating and trying to gather evidence against Professor Cho and he honestly thinks he wouldn't have gotten this far if it wasn't for Mr. Kim's help. He would've asked his uncle, but he's noticed lately how chummy he is with Cho and he feels uncomfortable knowing that. He knew he got along with him well but he didn't think they were actually friends. He figured it was just pure professionalism between them.

     He wants to catch this guy and stick his ass in prison. He feels like he owes Jin so much more but getting him justice is something he aims for. Deep down, he also wishes to gain his trust and friendship but he'll get to that bridge later.

     If it wasn't burned down by Jin yet.

     He sighs at the possibility. "I'll get him for you. I promise."

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