//2 - "Don't call me princess"//

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Once Jin finishes unpacking and putting his whole room together, he calls his parents and lets them know how everything is going so far.

     "The campus is amazing and don't get me started on where I'm staying. They're basically small penthouses, it's unbelievable," Jin exclaims, excitedly describing the college to the best of his ability. He mostly goes on and on about the beautiful restaurants nearby and how hopefully soon his parents can visit him so they can go to one.

     "We're glad Jinnie and of course we'll be going there to visit, real soon. We miss you already," his dad says softly. Jin smiles and sits up, tapping his toes against the pristine white carpet.

     "I miss you both too."

     "As much as your father doesn't want to, we'll let you go now. Rest well and we'll talk again tomorrow, ok?"

     "Of course. Love you."

     "We love you too."

     Jin hangs up right as someone knocks on his door. He gets up and opens the door, a dressed up Jungkook standing on the other side.

     "You still planning on staying? I'm asking one last time since I'm gonna head out soon and I want to make sure you don't regret your decision," Jungkook finally speaks, hiding a grin as to not embarrass Jin further. He noticed his eyes traveling all over his body, he's not blind nor dumb.

     "Um, I... let me get ready I guess," Jin gives in. He made a promise to himself to try and go out more, to be social. He knows Jungkook is right, of course he'd regret not going because it'd be a missed opportunity for him. Sure, there will be other instances where he can socialize, preferably during the day, but what better way than to go to a huge ass party where practically the whole student body is going. How sad would it be to miss out?

     Jungkook smiles, feeling victorious. "Cool, I'll be downstairs. Don't take long."

     Jin shuts his door and whines. Now he has to worry about what to wear instead of worrying about what snack to eat before bed. He drags his feet to his walk-in closet and paces in front of the clothes held up in hangers and open drawers.

It's a party, so obviously formal is out. He definitely doesn't want to be the only one wearing a nice button up and pants fit for a reception. He thinks back to what Jungkook is wearing.

He sighs in defeat before realizing that he just might have the right outfit for tonight after all. He bought it during the summer before his senior year, wanting to make a few changes to his wardrobe, but in the end he never had the balls to actually wear it. He's a bit conscious about showing his body even in the slightest and although the shirt is really not that bad, he'd definitely want to avoid raising his arms up too much or too high.

     He digs through his top drawer and pulls out a grey crop top sweatshirt. It's cute, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten it, but it shows a sliver of his tummy and just the thought of it makes him feel slightly embarrassed. However, he can't just keep it lying around and not wear it. It'd be a waste of his money.

     He also grabs a pair of black skinny jeans that hug a bit tight around certain areas, wanting to finally be bold. He can't necessarily hide forever.

     After struggling to tug on the jeans, he huffs and quickly goes to his bathroom. He adds some product to his hair to style it. Jin takes one last glance in the mirror and once he decides he looks decent enough, he grabs his phone from his bed and heads down, meeting Jungkook by the couch.

     Jungkook tears his gaze away from his phone at the sound of footsteps and looks up, stunned by how Jin had cleaned up. He grunts as he pushes himself up from the sofa.

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