//19 - "Let me help you"//

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     Jungkook keeps eyeing the stairs worriedly, he can barely pay attention to the show he's watching. He hasn't seen Jin since Wednesday afternoon and it's already Sunday, almost 6pm. When Jin had ignored him, he brushed it off, thinking he probably had a bad day. But he hasn't heard or seen him come out of his room for anything, not even food. He's been leaving him breakfast but he hadn't even touched it.

He sighs before getting off the couch and going upstairs. He's done waiting, he needs to find out what's going on. It's not like him to hole himself up for this long.

He nears his bedroom door and knocks softly, only to receive complete silence. "Jinnie, are you ok?"

Meanwhile on the other side, Jin is tucked away under his covers, staring blankly at the wall. His room is dark, having done everything possible to block any light from shining through his window. His stomach rumbles in hunger but he ignores it, not having the energy or will to eat. He's still hurting and sore, his skin tender from the countless hot showers he's taken.

He ignores another notification from his phone, most likely either Jaehwan, Lisa, or Chan. But he doesn't want to talk to anyone right now, he just wants to be alone.

His eyes burn as he's been unable to sleep, trying to keep them open as much as he can. He doesn't want to relive the trauma again because once his eyes close, he can see vividly everything. He hurts so much and he knows he should probably see a doctor, but he doesn't want to risk anyone finding out. What are they going to do? Who are they going to believe?

Jungkook knocks again, a little louder this time. "Jin, please talk to me. Tell me what's wrong. Let me help you."

No one can know what happened. He feels embarrassed, dirty, ashamed. What if they think he's making it up? Trying to get attention by claiming a teacher raped him? What if they say he wanted it? That he provoked it? He doesn't want that.

You should've tried harder. You should've fought more. Why are you so weak?

"Go away," he croaks, his voice sounding rough and unused. He hears Jungkook huff from outside and he desperately hopes Jungkook listens to him and leaves. But he's not that lucky.

"No Seokjin. I'm not letting you shut me out. I know we're not as close, but please consider me a friend. Talk to me about what's troubling you, let me be that friend that hears you out. I know I'm not Chan, but you can confide in me, I promise. Please," he voices desperately, his head resting against the wood.

     He misses having him around, the snarky little comments he makes when he's watching him play or when they're watching a movie. The cute little habits he's come to notice, like how he pouts his lips for a moment or the little wave of his hand when he fixes his glasses. His sweet laughter and kind nature, his mischievous and playful side that he hides behind his shy and quiet demeanor. He's come to like it all. He doesn't even know how he managed to ignore and avoid him before. And now that he's experienced how Jin truly is, it's quiet and boring when he's not around. His absence is easily noticed.

     "Jin, I'm opening the door."

     Jin looks over in fear. How did he completely forget to lock his door? He brings his covers over his head as Jungkook enters his room, hearing him stop at the side of the bed. He flinches when he feels the bed dip where Jungkook sits down.

"Jinnie, please tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing is wrong. I'm fine," he replies softly and he squeezes his eyes shut when he hears Jungkook's sigh. He didn't mean to disappoint him. He jumps when he feels Jungkook rub his arm and his touch surprisingly eases him. He can feel his warmth through the blanket and he wishes he can feel more, but he's scared.

     He sighs softly as he decides to tell him a lie only to satisfy his curiosity.

     "I just feel really sick and my stomach feels really weird."

     "Oh. Why didn't you just say so? Do you need medicine, another blanket, pillow? What do you need?"

     Jin smiles a little as he hears genuine concern in Jungkook's tone. "Water please."

     Jungkook jumps up off the bed. "Got it. I'll be right back," he says as he runs out to get Jin his drink. He returns a few minutes later with a glass of water and a fluffy pillow under his arm, setting the cup down on his bedside table as he sits back down. At this, Jin peeks out from under the blanket.

"Do you wanna bring the covers down?" Jungkook asks amused and slowly Jin pulls the blanket away from his face. He helps him sit up and hands him his water.

     "Thank you," Jin says meekly, taking small sips.

     "It's no problem. Listen, I know you said your stomach feels weird but I still think you should try and eat something. It's not good to skip so many meals," Jungkook says as he sets the fluffy pillow next to Jin. He takes the now empty glass from Jin and puts it down.

     Jin stares down at his lap, fiddling with his hands. His stomach does him no favors as it decides to make the rumblies. "I guess," he pouts.

     Jungkook smiles softly. "What would you like? You know what, I can make you some soup?"

     Jin looks at him kindly and nods, watching Jungkook leave his room to go cook. He really appreciates how attentive Jungkook is being and his efforts. Hopefully this whole 'being sick' thing is enough to make Jungkook not question his behavior. 

     He doesn't know what he's going to do tomorrow as he has to see Mr. Cho again for class, he was too weak to go on Friday. He doesn't think he can sit in class without clearly showing discomfort and pain. He knows Jaehwan and Lisa will ask what's wrong and although he's thought of some excuses to use, he's going to eventually run out of them. And then what? He can't afford to let this leak out. Not with Mr. Cho's threats.

     He's worked hard to get here and he remembers how happy his parents were when he showed them the acceptance letter. He doesn't want to show up back home and tell them that he's failed out of university. He wouldn't even be able to tell them the truth as to why. They'll just believe that he just wasn't as determined of a student as he made himself seem.

     He doesn't want to disappoint them.

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