3.3 | The Plan

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The room was lit up by overhead lights, a long table in the middle with seats at each side. Major Theresa sat down on the one at the very far end of the table, bringing a small stack of papers along. Mei got into the room first, along with Timothy, Alfredo and a few other classmates. They sat down on the chairs, and Theresa said, "Thank you all for coming here today. We might have a few who are late, but we'll get to them later."

"Major Theresa, why have you called us here?" Timothy asked.

"Simple. Johnson's dead, most of the city is being terrorized, and we're here to make a plan."

"What kind of plan, to be exact?" Alfredo asked as the rest of his classmates, excluding John because he overslept, entered.

"A plan that will lead to dethroning Mu-Jin."

"Woah. Hold on." Mei said in astonishment.

"Major, is this real?" Charlene asked.

"Yes. No other way. It's possible. You have one of the Big Three here, not to mention The One." Theresa said.

"But Mu-Jin is already more powerful than both of you."

"The key to defeating him is to reclaim Keith's memories. You've all experienced seeing him get more powerful as his memories come back bit by bit, right?"

"Yeah, I have." Timothy said.

"As for his power, I'd say it's only a little more before he can beat Mu-Jin. He also mentioned having only one memory left to unlock."

Theresa took out a sheet of paper, with a picture of the Capital Building on it. "This is where Mu-Jin lives." she said, pointing to the top floor. "However, there's a very difficult security system on floor 6, consisting of lasers and invisible tripwires."

"Shouldn't we focus on reclaiming his memories first?" one of the students asked.

"Memory regain is something that can only be done by oneself. We need a plan for this, along with what to do if things go wrong."

While Theresa was discussing her plans, John visited the ruins of the former GOWA facility. He pulled out a sword, before running to where the group was.

He opened the door just as Theresa held up the paper, and said, "Hey, can I borrow the paper?"


She handed him the paper, and he immediately sliced it horizontally in half with his sword.

"John, wha-" she said, standing up in an instant.

"Step 1. Bring the building down to 6 floors."


"I remember Mu-Jin putting a shit ton of security in front of the things he cares importantly for. Look at floor 6. It has a lot of security you can't find anywhere else in the building. That's where his living quarters are."

"But what if it isn't?"

"Then he'll either be killed in the fall or be in a position that'll be difficult for us to reach."

"How can you guarantee he'll die in the fall?"

"He'll be in too much of a shock to use his ability. If he doesn't die from the fall itself, the debris will. Plus, the slicing process will end in an instant, giving him no time to defend himself."


"Hey John, why slice the building apart? Why not just go in and search it?" Mei asked.

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