4.1 (Final Battle) | The Tower

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"Go!" John shouted as he blast open the door, allowing the others to rush in. The alarms blared, but he didn't care, as he jumped back and leaped multiple floors up. He got to the height where the sixth and seventh floor met, and with a single kick, burst it apart. Because of the amount of velocity he put in, the top part of the tower seemed to move forward by itself, until it fell down on the ground as it tilted over.

The soldiers were tougher than they thought, needing a few people to keep one at bay. While fighting one, Mei asked Theresa, "Major, is it possible for the same Legend Power to exist in more than a single person?"

Theresa dodged a punch and slammed the soldier in the face, before answering, "Yes."

"Why aren't we gathering all of them, then?"

"Legend Powers take better hold in those who have a deeper connection to Keith. Meaning, all of you are the strongest Legend Power users."

They took down the soldier, and moved on to assist the others. "Hiyah!" Mei shouted as she kicked a soldier in the face, before restricting their movements and letting Dale speedily kick them. Meanwhile, Charlene was easily holding down enemies as she ran around, holding down soldiers for her friends to tackle. Mei noticed, and said, "Save your energy for later." as she slammed her fist into the side of one of the soldiers.

Just as John managed to get back into the now-leveled tower, the group had already cleared out the first floor. "Let's move." he said.

They climbed the stairs to the second floor, which were on the right corner opposite the entrance, and just like Theresa said the day before, it ended there. Soldiers noticed them, and before they could fire off a blast, John punched all the ones in front of him out the tower, before Theresa slammed down on one and Timothy pierced a laser through multiple armor cores, leaving only half remaining.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

Mu-Jin was seated on his throne in the middle of a large black room with a large overhead lamp lighting up the entire place. He was looking through the security cameras, finding Theresa's group fighting their way through the tower.

"Heh. They won't be able to find this place. It's hidden underground, in a secluded area of the world-"

Just as he said that, he switched to the camera on the seventh floor. 'NO SIGNAL' the screen read.


He switched to the ones on the eighth floor, then the ninth, all the way to the 25th. Same result. "Damn." he said, "There's only one person on their team who could do that. Either way, they can't find me."

The group cleared out the second floor and were making their way to the third when a blast occurred, destroying part of the third and fourth floors, right of where the third floor stairs were. "Reinforcements have arrived." Theresa said, side kicking a soldier out the window. A few soldiers managed to fire blasts as those from the fourth floor arrived, only for some of them to fall unconscious. Theresa looked out the hole, and saw her adopted daughter on one of the helicopters, waving.

"Thanks!" she shouted as she tossed a soldier out the window. John punched one of them, as his friends took care of the rest. He stopped to watch, remembering the 'War' event that happened at Chaysin, when his school was divided into two sides, the students fighting each other. He sighed, before making his way to the fourth floor alone.

It was desolate, with only a pillar in the middle. He looked out the windows onto the vast city out there, knowing it would only be time before he couldn't see it anymore. "Had Mu-Jin not done his tyranny, this war wouldn't have happened.

He heard a commotion on the streets, and walked over to the hole to check, kneeling down on the edge. Soldiers were fighting back a large crowd of people protesting for Mu-Jin's downfall. He smiled, and said, "What a coincidence."

"Stop right there!"

He turned and saw a group of soldiers preparing to attack. "You underestimate me." he said before teleporting behind them and blasting them all out from the hole. "I really wish Mu-Jin could teach you about not underestimating the power of certain individuals."

As the group managed to catch up to him, he said, "Nothing of interest here. Let's move on."

They made their way to the fifth floor, which seemed to be a canteen. "You tired?" Mei asked.

"Not really. You?" John answered, before asking.

"I am." Charlene said.

"Then we'll rest here." Theresa said to the group, taking a bit of food and sitting down at a table before eating.

"Who casually eats while doing a raid?"

"Well I can't argue with Major Theresa. We're all fucked up from fighting those soldiers, don't you think we need a rest?" Alfredo spoke up.

"Alright then. We'll sit down here."

The group took some food on some trays and sat down before eating. Meanwhile, John was staring out the window. Mei noticed, and walked up to him, asking, "Anything wrong?"

"Not really. Just worries me that we might not see the city again."

"We will. Don't worry."

"I'll be honest, whenever I say that, it's always only me getting out alive."


"Yeah. This time, I'm gonna make sure you're getting out from here alive."

"Why do you sound optimistic all of a sudden?"

"Because he's going to risk his life to make sure his past doesn't happen again." Timothy said, approaching the duo.

Moments after they finished eating, the group got up the stairs and into the security room. A door was visible, and just as Charlene was about to turn invisible and run through the lasers, John grabbed her hand and created a rock before throwing it in. The moment it touched a laser, it was vaporized in an instant.

"This shit seems a little too hard. Guess we'll have to do it my way then. Hey Timothy, can you destroy the laser generators in front of us?" he asked.

The laser generators were similar to that of smoke detectors in terms of size. Timothy shot a laser through some of them, disabling a few lasers. John got in and destroyed a few more, before one of his friends managed to form a pistol out of her ability and shot the rest of the laser generators, disabling the security system.

Stronger soldiers were headed for them just as they got to a brown door, and Theresa said, "Mei, you go with John. The rest of you, defend the door!"

As the group started fighting off the soldiers, John and Mei ran through the door. On the other side was a room like no other.

"Damn, Mu-Jin, you live like this?" John asked.

"Why, yes, I do. I'm not as interested in beauty as much as the people nowadays." Mu-Jin answered from his throne.

"Tell us why you're trying to kill us instead of being a good ruler."

"It's simple. I wanted to finish what GOWA started. Killing you was only part of their plan to do what I did 7 years ago."

"What did I have to do with it?"

"Oh, nothing. They never told me that."

Mu-Jin stood up, and pointed towards the duo, saying, "You're going to fail."

John and Mei took a fighting stance, and said, "I don't see a reason not to die fighting."

The two sides charged at each other, ready to fight to the death.

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