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Dear readers, first of all , don't expect an awesome piece of work here. My inexperienced atheist self and my rookie writer self are gonna be the worst companions in your and my journey to the truth. And this is my debut book.

If anyone of you are not aware what "atheism" is, it is an art of thinking everything logically and sceptically and the people who master this art are called "atheists". They are the ones who have thought about the existence of God and have found no evidences for this belief and hence, they chose Science and no longer believe in the existence of God.

To me, God is nothing but an embodiment of scientific laws {as said by the great scientist, Stephen Hawking} and India is a place where you cannot speak this truth without offending 90% of the population. Now, I don't want to shove my ideas down your throat; I just want to make you a critical thinker WHO CAN QUESTION!

The birth of this critical thinking happened in my mind when I was of age 12. At this age, I started questioning many things- the norms of the society, the blind faiths of the society, the stereotypes in the society and even the word "society"!

If you are religious and have inferior mindset for atheists, let me list some of the famous people who are/were atheists- John Abraham, Javed Akhtar, Farhan Akhtar, Daniel Radcliffe , Stephen Hawking, Bhagat Singh, Richard Dawkins , Mahavira Jain, Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, Niels Bohr  and MANY more.

Why did I become an atheist?
Because I love truth more than comfort!
When I have neither seen God, nor heard him, nor felt him and nor even smelled him, how can I say that God exists? When science has given me far better better explanations for things that we associate with God or the miracle of God, how on Earth can I say that God exists! The idea of the higher power was "invented" centuries ago when humans were not able to answer many inexplicable things like the formation of universe, the secret of those little sparkling things in the sky etc. It was like a temporary answer to these questions .But now when the correct answers to these little mysteries have been given by Science, why should we believe in these things any more? And if you claim that you have seen God, there is a word for it- hallucination.

I am clearly not against peaceful preaching of religion. I just want to stop all the bad things happening in the name of religion. I want to stop supremacy of some religions over others, the hate spreading due to so called "respect" for religion and bloodshed happening due to fights between religions. And as all of you know, religion developed when people started following different practices to reach God.

And if you say that God is love, God is the positivity deep within (meh), do we need to believe in God to love,to care or to be positive?💞

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