3. Spectrum of Theistic Probability

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This is the Dawkins Scale which is made and mentioned by Richard Dawkins ( British evolutionary biologist) in his book 'The God Delusion'. Many more atheist books have this scale to make the meaning of Atheist,Theist, Agnostics clear. So,here it is -

                                                         On The scale of 1-7

1• STRONG THEIST- I do not question the existence of God. I know he exists.

2• DE-FACTO THEIST- I cannot know for certain but I strongly believe in God.

3WEAK THEIST- I am very uncertain , but I am inclined to believe in God. (My friend falls here)

4PURE AGNOSTIC- God's existence and non-existence is equiprobable.

5WEAK ATHEIST- I do not know whether God exists but I am inclined to be sceptical.

6DE-FACTO ATHEIST- I cannot know for certain but I think God is very improbable.(I fall somewhere here)

7• STRONG ATHEIST- I am 100% sure there is no God.

In this scale, I would rate myself between 6.1 to 6.5. Atheism arises from lack of evidence and evidence can always change a thinking person's mind. Thus,most atheists do not consider themselves a '7'.

And you know what, I feel both '1' and '7' are close-minded (I do not intend to hurt the feelings of strong atheists /theists who are reading this) .I find them both very resistant and conservative.

I particularly don't like those people( both theists and atheists) who mock other people's beliefs ,just for a laugh, in their speech or during debates. I feel like a debate or a speech on "religion vs science" should be a peaceful and receptive one where each person is willing to listen to other's ideas,where everyone is receptive.

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