6•Advices to atheists

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If you haven't yet "come out" as an atheist-

• First of all, I recommend you to check your parents' view about atheism.
  When you and your parents are together anytime (like dinner or just sitting together, talking) , come up with the topic of atheism carefully. Try to know how they feel about atheists/Atheism. If they show contempt towards atheists, it's best not to tell them,or atleast till they change their views about atheism for good. If you tell them when they hate atheism excessively,you may get kicked out of house or your financial help may be cut off (you don't want to live on streets,do you?) . If your parents are like this but you think you can't hold that secret anymore, try convincing them that atheism is not bad. If they just don't like Atheism, you should tell them.
(I told my parents without actually doing this.)

• You should not be open about your atheism if it destroys the relationship you deeply respect and care for.

• If it puts your life in danger.  If you live in Middle East or other deeply religious countries where atheism is unacceptable, you may get killed for your belief (or rather,non-belief)

For open atheists-

• Don't get in heated and rough fight with anyone (a spirited debate is alright); it may affect you in school or work.
Eg.- You had a heated fight with your co-worker in your office. Then, your boss (unaware of your fight) comes up with a big project whose he gives the charge of to that co-worker of your with whom you had a fight. He will most possibly not take you in the project and what if the project could have given you rise in pay/post.

• Don't start attacking religious people if they have done nothing to you.
Let them pray ,let them go to temple/church/mosque as long as they don't force you to.

• Don't take religious people's bad comment or attitude towards you to heart.

   In one line,be a peaceful atheist,not a militant one. ( Be one if necessary)

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