21| Meanwhile...

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Hey guys! I'm back again with another chapter. I'm sorry for the inconvenience last week but, hey, what can you do when life is against you? Anyway, first things first, I want to thank all of you for the support because...

As of the time, this was written, this story now has 12,475 READS and 387 VOTES. That's actually a lot.

Yes, I know. And that's why you guys are awesome. Now before we continue, I would like to thank all of the people below here for telling me their opinion last week, so here they are:


Next on the list is, as usual, a huge thanks to my friend enneastale for helping me with the grammar. So shout out to her!

Heh, you do realize that most people will most likely hate you for this chapter right?

Umm... yeah actually. But it is how I've written it and I'm not going to change it. Anyway, that's all, so without further ado, enjoy!


Well, I did warn him. anyway, cya!

-Anonymous Anteater

P.S.  Pictures in this chapter are not mine. If you happen to be the owner and wants it to be removed just say it,


"Rockruff, are you alright?" Ash asked the Puppy Pokemon. He, Lillie, Dawn, and Hau were training for the tournament on the Pokemon Center's battlefield. Currently, He and Lillie were having a friendly battle between Rockruff and Brionne while Dawn and Hau stood to the side and watched them.

Rockruff, who had just been hit by an Aqua Jet courtesy of Brionne, stood up and growled at said Pokemon, her eyes glowing slightly. Ash saw this and narrowed his eyes.

"Alright Rockruff, I want you to concentrate alright. Just focus on my voice," Ash instructed her.

Rockruff growled again but nodded nonetheless.

"Brionne, don't worry. Use Icy Wind!" Lillie instructed Brionne.

Brionne's body glowed light blue before chilling winds flew from behind her. The blue-tinted winds didn't affect Brionne at all as it headed towards Rockruff.

"Rockruff, counter with Rock Throw!"

Rocks formed in the air around Rockruff and circled around her. Rockruff let out a loud growl as the rocks suddenly flew towards Brionne. The rocks didn't get very far, however, as they slowed down when they came in contact with the blue-tinted wind. The two attacks canceled each other out, the rocks falling down to the ground with a small layer of ice on it while the winds had dissipated.

"Alright, now charge in with Thunder Fang!"

Rockruff growled menacingly at Brionne before charging towards the Pop Star Pokemon. As she charged, fangs made out of electricity formed in front of Rockruff, sparking dangerously with every step.

"Brionne, use Aqua Jet!" Lillie ordered.

Brionne's body glowed blue for a second before she was suddenly covered in water. However, before she could do anything, Rockruff suddenly stopped and the electric fangs dissipated. Rockruff let out a cry of pain as she twitched uncontrollably before suddenly stopping, head hung low.

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