Memories| Birthdays

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Hey guys! Sorry I didn't upload last week, as I've said I was visiting my family. Anyways, I would like to say that this is time for Lillie VS Zayn but as you can see from the title, it isn't. The reason for this is because I had to take care of my little brother since my aunt who usually takes care of him was diagnosed positive with covid. But I somehow managed to pull this off.

So, what is this exactly?

This is a one-shot, one of many planned ones in fact(That is if I ever get around to writing them), focusing on one particular character. In this case, the first (important) OC, Rex.

So this thing is canon to the story?

Yes, it is. it's not necessary to read it as it's pretty separate from the main story but I just thought that this will give the characters a little bit more, well, character.

Yeah, even an idiot knows that your OCs are bland.

Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Anyways, before I go thank you so much for 15,401 READS and 451 VOTES. it means so much to me and I'll keep on trying my hardest to write something that you actually enjoy. Anyways that's all cya!

Welp, what he said. cya!


-Anonymous Dinosaur

P.S. Shoutout to enneastale for helping me edit this story!


24th of July.

That was Rekka's least favorite day of the year. In fact, he absolutely despised it.


Simple, it was his birthday. He hated every part of the day. From the mornings, when he would be woken up by loud sounds, the noons when he would spend time outside, and even the evenings when a party is being held.

"Happy Birthday!"

Rekka turned his attention to the center of the room. He quickly found what he was looking for and glared.

His sister stood in the center of the room, a huge cake in front of her. She was surrounded by their friends and families, each of them looking at her expectantly to blow the candles and make a wish.

Rekka looked on bitterly. It was his birthday. They should be celebrating it, so why aren't they? Why are all of them focused on his sister? It's not like it was her birthday, right?

Wrong. It was his sister's birthday. His sister was born on July 24th exactly four years ago. In other words, exactly on Rekka's second birthday. Ever since then, Rekka could not remember a single day where his parents would do anything special for him.

Rekka's sister smiled brightly and turned towards the cake. It was a double-stacked chocolate cake, with vanilla cream and blueberries on it as decorations. On top of the cake, stood four candles, each of them a different color. She blew the candles and the people gathered there cheered, before taking turns wishing her a happy birthday and giving him their gifts.

This was how every single one of his birthdays had been as far as he could remember. Everyone would be too focused on his sister while he was left to watch from the sidelines.

Rekka turned his head to his lap, where his present, his only birthday present, lay. It had been given to him by his parents that morning. It was just a small box. Barely bigger than his palm. The box was wrapped in blue wrappings and tied with red ribbons. It wasn't anything special but to Rekka, the present means more than anything, the same as the birthday present from his parents the previous year and the year before that. Those presents were the only things that he could truly say were given by his parents solely because of him.

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