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Looking around, Mark found himself in awe at how many people were attending. He always knew that Donghyuck knew a lot of people, he was such a social butterfly but moments like these really just showed him how incredible the boy was.

"Donghyuck, stop. We're gonna get caught." Sighing as the younger didn't seem to listen, he followed his best friend to the high gates that he was sure their 14 and 15 year old asses wouldn't be able to climb over. Wrong.

"How did you-" Now from the other side of the gates, Donghyuck was smirking at him, doing a little victory dance as he obviously waited for Mark to join him on the other side.

But said boy just leaned against the tree behind him, admiring the younger boy. No matter how often Donghyuck would act cute and did aegyo, he would never get enough of it.

Yes, he always told Donghyuck to stop but internally he prayed for him to never stop. He wanted to see his best friend pouting and whining, begging him for attention.

"Are you just gonna stand there, Canada? Well, guess imma go swim on my own." Mark snapped out of it and quickly climbed up the gates as he saw Donghyuck already leaving.

Some would say that he was joking but after being friends with Donghyuck for a year he knew that the boy would leave him alone in the forest to be eaten by wolves.

"Hey! Wait up!" His ears turning red as he kinda fell down when he tried to jump off the gates, finally having reached the other side, Mark ignored his slightly hurting ankle and got up to run after the other boy.

"Seriously, how are you the athletic one of us", Donghyuck joked as he slipped his hand into Mark's. Normally the latter would push it away as he feared that he'd actually confess, being caught up in the moment which actually almost happened a lot of times, but in that exact moment he didn't care. Didn't care that they weren't supposed to be there, didn't care that their parents didn't know of their absence, didn't care that his ankle was hurting.

All that mattered to him right now was Donghyuck and his sweet laugher echoing through the air as he made fun of Mark's attempts to joke around.

And Mark? He was gripping onto the smaller hand in his' like his life depended on it, staring at the owner of it with heart eyes.

"Yo dude, it's about to begin, get ready." Mark turned around, lightly smiling at Jaemin who gave him a pat on his back before running off, probably to help Donghyuck dress himself.

"Of course", he whispered even though Jaemin was long gone.


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