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Honestly, Donghyuck was in a bad mood. First he woke up at 5 am, not being able to fall asleep again. Then Mark hadn't been beside him as he had passed out on the couch last night. Next he had to do grocery shopping, tripped down the stairs and now had to make breakfeast.

As much as he loved his life and the people around him, someone give him a break.

He flinched as he felt arms circling around his waist, a hot breath fanning over his nape. "Watcha doing, beautiful?"

Instantly, his eyes lit up, turning around to meet his lover's embrace. Hugging him tightly, he burried his face into Mark's chest. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

Donghyuck chuckled, kissing Mark's shoulder. He honestly found it amazing how good Mark knew him, good enough to tell his mood by the way he hugged. 11 years of friendship and 18 years of marriage sure must have had an impact on them.

But despite already being in his thirties, Donghyuck didn't feel the age. He felt like he and Mark were still 14 and 15, running around the town, being obliviously in love with each other.

Picking his husband up, Mark placed him on the kitchen counter as he kissed down his neck. Too tired to complain, Donghyuck just wrapped himself around Mark, resting his head on his shoulder.

"Let's go back to sleep, baby." Mark kissed the younger's forehead before picking him up again, walking up the stairs with his baby in his arms.

Donghyuck shook his head slightly, sighing. "Heesoo still hasn't eaten yet, Markie."

"She isn't here, she slept over at Jia's, don't you remember?" Laughing as he watched his husband facepalm himself, Mark layed him on the bed carefully. He threw himself next to him, pulling the younger into his arms.

"For all I know they could be eating each other by now", Donghyuck mumbled, throwing his arm around Mark's waist to nuzzle deeper into Mark's neck.

"I don't think Jaemin and Renjun would allow that."

"Jeno would though, he is literally wilding when it comes to eating someone-"

"No more details please!" Donghyuck chuckled lowly at his husband. Suddenly he felt all the tiredness leaving his body as he started to get aware of how close Mark actually was. "Hey..."


"Wanna make another Heesoo?"

Mark didn't hesitate to agree.


Hey lovelies,
First of all I thought about calling you sunshines if that is okay with you since I really love that name but it's your choice uwu
Anyways, thank you so much for reading this book, it really means a lot to me and I appreciate it more than you think 💕
I just wanna say that I have absolutely no clue about wedding ceremonys so don't judge I just made something up lmao but we stan ig
Stay healthy everyone, talk to me if you need to and be happy ( the anxiety leaving my body rn✨ )

Kisses and Love,

- Shayan♡

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