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The music started playing, Chenle moving his fingers gracefully over the buttons of the piano. Mark watched him, waiting for Donghyuck to enter the wide hall like everyone else.

He felt adrenaline rush through him, sweat forming on his forehead. And it was definetly not the excitement.

Because he wasn't excited, not at all. This day might be important, one of the most important days in his whole life but he couldn't bring himself to feel happy. Not when he wasn't the only one standing at the altar.

Suddenly, the doors opened and a breathtakingly gorgeous Donghyuck entered, the white suit hugging his beautiful body perfectly.

Mark's breath hitched as he saw the purple hair framing Donghyuck's face, his sunkissed skin glowing, making it seem like he was standing in some sort of spotlight. His movements were smooth as he walked to the altar with those sparkly eyes.

And again, probably for the nth time that day, tears welled up in Mark's eyes. He tried, he really tried.

Forgetting how to breath properly, Mark stared at Donghyuck who as if on cue stared right back at Mark. It seemed as if he was trying to tell him something but through the blurry sight he couldn't make out what.

What he could make out though, were Donghyuck's shaking hands that were holding the boquet of flower. Mark furrowed his brows. Wasn't he happy?

Finally reaching Mark, Donghyuck slipped his hand into his', squeezing it a bit too tight in Mark's opinion.

Shaking it off, he forced himself to let go of his best friend's hand and hand him over to the broom that was proudly waiting for Donghyuck with a smile on his face.

It was awkard. Very awkward.

In front of the Canadian boy there was his best friend, laying on top of a boy he had never seen. And their shirt's were on the floor.

That was the least thing Mark had expected when he decided to pay Donghyuck a visit to check up on him.

Getting up quickly, Donghyuck didn't bother putting his shirt back on and just stumbled his way over to Mark. "Markie!"

Naturally, the younger pulled Mark into a hug by circling his arms around his neck, the older's hands holding onto Donghyuck's bare waist.

He felt shivers going down his spine and he would have probably accidentaly pinned his friend against the wall by now to kiss him roughly. Too bad that there was still this stranger sitting on Donghyuck's couch, his shirt now back on.

Mark wanted to whine when Donghyuck let go of him, gesturing for the stranger to come and hold his hand. The eldest in the room gritted his teeth, wanting nothing more than to kick out this boy.

"Uh, hey. I'm Jeno, Donghyuck's boyfriend."

Mark watched as Jeno embraced Donghyuck, whispering something in his ear. The latter chuckled a little, glancing at Mark.

Said boy forced a smile, giving him a nod and thumbs up. His smile seemed to fall though as he made eye-contact with his best friend.

Why did Donghyuck look so hurt? Wasn't he happy? Was he mad at someone? Glaring at Jeno, Mark swore to himself to beat the other boy up if he had done something to upset Donghyuck. Yes, they were really good friends but the sunkissed male would always be Mark's priority.

"Let's begin."

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