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Everything was prepared, everything was ready. Everyone was ready. Well, except for Mark.

He just couldn't believe that this was reality. Him standing at the altar, waiting for the love of his life to enter and say his vows. To get married.

He looked through the crowd and sighed as every face brought memories of Donghyuck back to him.


"Come on, hyung!" Mark groaned, pretending to be annoyed when he was honestly just scared. "Go bother Renjun or something."

Donghyuck wore a confused expression on his face as he let himself plop down on the older's lap as if it was the most normal thing to do. Actually it was, but to Mark it meant more. "Why are you being so salty, Markie?"

Why he was being salty? He was scared of Renjun, the new transfer student. Scared that he'd take his best friend away from him as he had been all the tanned boy seemed to talk about these past few days.

Catching on on Mark's problem, the younger sighed, kissing his friend on the cheek before hugging him tightly. "Hyung, don't be like that. Renjun won't replace you, no one could ever. You know that. I love you, Markie."

With tears in his eyes he hugged back.

Tearing his gaze off of Renjun who had a pained sparkle in his eyes, he spotted his other friend. Sungchan.

Flinching as his door was thrown open and then slammed shut, Mark looked up at an obviously excited Donghyuck. He was smiling like crazy, throwing himself on Mark. "Markie! I'm going on a date."

Said boy stopped breathing for a second, forgetting to hug back. His heart dropped and tears welled up in his eyes. Shit.

Trying his best to keep them in, he forced a smile as soon as Donghyuck let go of him.  "T-that's great!" It wasn't.

"I know, right? And you'll never guess who it is!" Too broken and tired to ask, Mark only tilted his head to the side, silently asking the question. "Jung Sungchan!"

Mark chuckled at that memory, remembering his hatred for the other boy. Now, several years later he could say that Sungchan was one of his closest friends.

Right next to the boy there were Johnny and Ten, the famous couple that also claimed to be Donghyuck's parents.

"When do you plan on telling him?" Mark's head snapped to the side as he was suddenly approached by Ten who was wearing a smile on his face while looking at the two figures the younger had been looking at just seconds ago.

Deciding to follow his hyung, he smiled at the scene. Johnny was carrying Donghyuck like a baby, swirling him around as the younger faked a cry and screamed at Mark for help.

Normally he'd feel jealous but watching Donghyuck have so much fun, he just couldn't help but grin brightly. Besides, Johnny belonged to Ten anyways. "Telling him what?"

It was a stupid question, he knew what Ten meant. He just wasn't ready to actually say it out loud, afraid of the power those words held.

The older smiled, giving Mark a knowing look. "You look at him the exact same way I look at Johnny."

Mark hummed, sighing right after. He was honestly tired, tired of people telling him how whipped he was for his best friend, as if he didn't know.

"What can I say, he is my sunshine."

And he still was, Mark's sunshine. He didn't stop being his sunshine for even a second, not when they had a big fight, not when Donghyuck started dating Sungchan, not when Mark had to leave to Canada for a few months, not when Donghyuck broke up with his third boyfriend.

Cause if there was one thing Mark was destined to be then it was probably being in love with Lee Donghyuck, his best friend.

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