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Who knew that a stranger would come into her life randomly and become such an important part of her life? Malaika smiled at that thought as she traced his cheeks, feeling his beard and admired how handsome he was. She just loved his beard.

"Malaika..." Came his deep voice, startling her a little bit. A smile adorned her face as she composed herself and gazed at him, who slowly opened his eyes and stared back at her.

Charcoal black against honey brown. Both of them filled with nothing but love.

"What time is it?" He asked as he pulled her into his arms. Malaika's cheeks turned warm and her lashes down were cast down as she felt his intense gaze upon her face. She loved his cuddles. It makes her feel warm and protected. 

"Ten... You don't have office today, right?" She asked whilst gazing at his gorgeous face.

Despite the shyness, there was a concern in her voice. Arsalaan has been working hard for the past few months and his sleep schedule was messed up because of it. He felt touched by her worry, he was slowly getting used to it. Getting used to having her all for himself. It still felt unbelievable though, even after three years.

Waking up next to her every day... feeling her love, her care, her worry, her affection, her cute anger... It overwhelmed him. But he was totally dependent on her for every little thing now and it warms his heart every single time, for he secretly yearned for this once upon a time.

And it felt so good to be able to live his dream life. He never stopped thanking the Almighty for blessing him with someone as precious as her. He will continue to thank Allah until the end of his life. A small smile appeared on his lips as he shook his head at her.

"No, there's no office. I'm all yours today." His reply made her blush crimson red. Despite the numerous times, they made love, Malaika has always been shy, and Arsalaan totally loves her bashful nature. That's one of her traits that makes her look more beautiful.

"You smell nice." He smirked mischievously, knowing very well that she has used his body wash once again. His wife had some craze about his body wash and she loves it more than hers it seems.

"Yeah... You know my body wash was out of stock. So, I bought yours." She smiled shyly, whilst hiding her face in the crook of his neck.

"Sure, sweetheart." He laughed out loud and she bit his neck as a response making him pause momentarily and gave her an amused glance, "you're crazy, Malaika..."

"Yes. I know. Wake up. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday night." She sat up with force and gazed at him with a small frown. He was very careless regarding his health and it makes her so mad.

"What do we have for breakfast?" He asked lazily whilst pulling her back and held her tightly, "we'll order something, the cook is on leave. Wake up first." Her voice was soft and a small smile played on her lips, as she enjoyed being in his arms. It felt like an eternity since he stayed back in bed lazily like this. She might as well enjoy it.

"Hmm. Stay like this. I like it." He whispered whilst placing a small kiss on her head, "I missed you... The past few days was boring without you... It felt like, you were so close yet so far." She complained cutely, making him nod, "I know.  I'm sorry for not giving you much time. We are working on a very important deal."

Arsalaan replied guiltily, she rolled on top of him and cupped his cheeks, "it's okay, as long as you come back home safe and healthy. That's all matters to me. Please take care of yourself, Arsalaan. I get so worried about you."

He couldn't help but smile. Whatever did he do to deserve her?

"I will, my angel." Leaning in, he kissed her fondly and she responded with the same enthusiasm. Their kisses have always been full of want and love. This one was no less.

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