twenty two

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Arsalaan's heart ached to see her in this state and he hated himself more for putting her through this. He was feeling way more guilty and had no idea what to do, staring at her teary eyes pained him from within. She held onto his shirt tightly whilst staring into his broken eyes and was controlling herself from not making a scene in the public, but too bad people were already gawking at them. 

Malaika's eyes unknowingly flickered towards Rahila, who stood beside him and suddenly all the anger in her felt like bursting out. Memories of how this woman has warned her on the day of her ruksathi, about Arsalaan being hers and all came back to her mind. Which eventually reminded her again of how ruthlessly he has married her in the first place. 

"I hate you," she muttered furiously whilst wiping off her tears and ran away from there, leaving behind a very dejected Arsalaan. He closed his eyes for a minute trying to compose himself. They both missed their touches almost immediately causing another havoc in their hearts. Why the hell was it so difficult? He knew she hated him and yet it pricked his heart, every single time.

Beside him, Rahila heaved an inward sigh hearing those words. She was really very scared of their reactions but felt glad that the hate was still there. Meaning; she still had her chance and she wasn't letting him go that easily this time. 

Fahad gave his ex-best friend an angry glare, "see what you've turned her into." Arsalaan gave a blank look and walked away from there not having any explanation to give. It is what it is, he did wrong with her and was suffering for it. What else can do say or do? Nothing is going to change the past anyway.

Quickly Rahila followed him behind and the Abbasi cousins passed nervous glances to each other, worrying about their little sister. She suffered a lot for no fault of hers and the most worried was Fahad, who felt helpless seeing his dear sister in that state. 

Looking at Arsalaan, he could tell; that guy has been suffering as well. The sad look on each of their eyes clenched his heart. On one hand, it was his little sister, who he loved to death and on the other was his ex-best friend, who he considered no less than a brother. He used to. And now seeing them both like this pained his heart.

"Let's go home," Zayn muttered unable to take the uneasiness in the atmosphere and everyone nodded at that. But Fahad stopped in between, making everyone else stop in confusion and then he turned to face his cousin, Amara, "look, amy. I know you meant well but don't ever use that tone with Malaika once again. She is hurting and you should at least have some courtesy in considering her emotions." the overprotective brother in him couldn't stop himself from telling her off. 

Amara flushed in embarrassment and nodded her head. They all continued to walk with more awkwardness and only one person followed them behind slowly, she was too lost in her thoughts to walk fast. 

Inaya saw the way her sister-in-law's eyes changed from hurt to anger the moment her eyes fell on Rahila and she could guess why. Suddenly a plan came into her mind, this was a now or never situation and both her brother and his wife seem to be needing this push, she'd gladly take that role if it meant they'll sort things out. 

With a content smile, she marched to the car quickly and saw her husband glared at her as she took the seat beside him. The biggest mistake she ever did in her life was to fall in love with this man and now she is paying for it. For all the stupid things she demanded, life is been teaching her its lesson. She deserved it anyway. But her brother didn't. He deserved happiness for everything he did for her and she vowed to get him that, at all costs. 


Malaika has locked herself in her bedroom, which surprisingly still felt alien to her. Even after gaining back her memories this room of hers didn't give her that homely feels. All she ever felt was the suffocation. She felt suffocated to be here. Which made her miss his (their) room more. Even though she'd never admitted it, but Malaika missed Arsalaan terribly and seeing him after months was so unexpected and it overwhelmed her like crazy.  

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