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Arsalaan had everyone yet no one. He had a family, his father's younger brother's family was still alive and they stayed with him, for sure.
But they were there for the namesake. They stuck around because of his wealth and nothing else. He couldn't care less.

His Mom and Dad are no more, all he had in the name of the blood-related family was his only little sister, who was battling for her life in the ICU. He stood outside the ward, helplessly as he eyed the stains of blood on his shirt. He cannot imagine a life without her and seeing her in that state, unconsciously; with a cut on her wrists has broken him from within. He couldn't erase that image out of his mind.

Who knew that his first no to her would cost him this much? He has never said no to her before, he has fulfilled all of her wishes and the first time he does it, she took such an extreme step. Why didn't she ever think of him before taking that crazy step?

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he sat on the waiter's seat, waiting for the doctor to come up to him and say that his sister is going to be okay. Apparently, she has lost a lot of blood already and it was quite difficult for her to survive, He cannot lose her too, not yet. He loved her to death and can see anything but not her death. It can be anything but that. He patiently waited hoping nothing but the best.

Suddenly he felt someone else's presence around him, someone who is not his so-called family. He has banned them from visiting here anyways. Snapping his head curiously, he saw who it was and it turned out to be a girl, a girl who he has seen before.

He saw her just yesterday and was surely surprised as she gave him a handkerchief, she had no reason to do that yet she did it and it shocked him, it sure has.

"It'll be alright, have trust in Allah." she smiled at him assuringly as he stared back at her blankly whilst taking the handkerchief.

Trust in Allah. He has lost that long ago when He snatched away the two most important people of his life just at the age of eleven and he doesn't believe in Him anymore.

"Malaika, what are you doing there, come on the doctor permitted us. We all can go now." yelled a different voice, which was heard from outside of the other ward and she gave him a small smile, a kind one at that.

"Remember to have trust and faith in Allah. He will make everything alright." by saying those words she disappeared, not before turning around and staring at him for the one last time or so she thought.

Arsalaan couldn't think straight anymore.


Malaika felt bad for that guy. He looked so lonely and aloof as he sat there and cried. She felt the urge to go and say some kind words to him. She didn't know why she felt that way. But she followed her heart and did what she wanted to do and that gave her some kind of inner peace that words couldn't describe.

"Where are you lost," Sara asked her with a suspicious look, she was her chacha Jaan's daughter and the naughty one among their cousins, She was also more close to Sara. Shrugging at her in response, Malaika walked into the special ward nervously and felt all of their eyes fall upon her. A huge blush crept on her cheeks as she took baby steps towards her Dada Jaan, who is the sole reason for the engagement taking place today. Beside him stood Zayn, with an admiring smile plastered on his face.

There were no hopes for their grandfather to survive, he was fighting the last stage of blood cancer and his last wish was to fulfil one of his dead wife's biggest wish, that is to see Zayn and Malaika as a married couple.

Mihir Abbasi lifted his hands with difficulty as Malaika sat beside him and he blessed her with love, the rings were passed and in front of his eyes they both were now engaged. Happy cheers were heard when the nurse came in and asked everyone else to leave as the permission hour was over.

One by one, everybody left after taking his blessings, he was so content the whole night. Happy that his wish and his dead wife's wish was going to be fulfilled. If only he knew.

Malaika couldn't meet with the teasing gazes of her cousins as she lowered her gaze all the while, Zayn subtly winked at her as the cousin gang walked towards the exit happily, whilst joking around. She felt her cheeks go on fire as the heat rose onto them.

Suddenly something struck her mind.

That guy. She remembered him and froze on her spot.

Was he okay? She felt the need to immediately go and check upon him. Something about him was so captivating. It was like a magnet. It just keeps pulling her towards him...

"Is everything okay?" Zayn asked her as he noticed her not moving, and everyone else stopped walking too.

"I-I left something of mine in there, I'll go and get it. You guys wait in the car." she came up with the best possible lie and everyone else bought it as they stared walking ahead except Zayn, who was eyeing her with confusion.

"I'll manage alone, it's just a matter of five minutes." Malaika hoped that he just leaves, she really needs to see if that guy was okay, but didn't felt like sharing it with anyone. Not yet.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I am. Ammi and Abbu are with Dada Jaan only right, they're there. Don't worry." she blinked assuringly and ran back upstairs to the first floor.

When she reached the previous place where that guy sat, he was nowhere to be seen. Confused; she searched for him. He was a stranger yet he felt like she has known him her whole life. And the need to know, if he was okay or not was overwhelming her heart.

Her eyes tear up unknowingly as she finally saw him.

He was in the prayer room; offering his salah, raising his hand and making dua to the Almighty whilst crying his heart out.

She walked away from there whilst wiping off her tears, now that she was sure that he has someone with him. Allah doesn't let down someone who puts his trust and faith in Him. And she was sure that He wouldn't let this guy down too. An unknown happiness tugs at the corner of her heart as she walks away from there happily, having no slightest clue of what is awaiting her tomorrow.

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