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Malaika was a mess as she stood in front of the Abbasi mansion's gate. She looked so different from her usual self. For one she is not Malaika Abbasi anymore. She is a married woman now. Willingly or unwillingly. And the thought of revealing all of this to her family terrified her. She trembled on her knees whilst the huge gate opened on its own and the watchman looked at her weirdly as she battled whether or not she should get in.

"Is there any problem madam?" the watchman finally asked as he saw fresh tears roll down her cheeks, she shook her head in no and sprinted in and the old man continued to look at her weirdly.

Taking huge breaths in and out, she stepped into the living room and was met with her tensed family, whose head snapped towards her direction as soon as she walked in.

"Thank Goodness you're here. What the hell, Malaika?"

"Where were you?"

"Why didn't you pick up your phone?"

"Why are you crying?"

Question after question was passed and she didn't know whom to answer first. All she could think of was that cruel man, her so-called husband. Arsalaan Baig.

"Guys," Fahad yelled as he saw his sister on the verge of breaking down, everyone stopped at once and their eyes widened as Malaika passed out on the doorstep panicking everyone as they rushed towards her.

Zayn was the one to pick her up in his arms quickly, as he walked towards the sofa. There were concern and worry written on his face as he carefully placed her on the sofa. Shahana made him move aside as she held her daughter's hand and gestured Rahil, her husband to call for the doctor.

"Rahil. Saad." the elder Abbasi, Ahad entered the living room with a tense face, he and his wife had been to visit his father in the hospital earlier and he was surprised with all the commotion happening in the living room.

The two brothers looked up at their elder brother, who had a clueless yet sad expression all over his face.

"What happened to Malaika?" Ahad asked with a frown, as he walked towards her where all the Abbasi members have surrounded her. He has almost forgotten for what purpose he came here until Saad asked him.

"You okay, Bhai?"

Malaika was being shaken awake as they splashed water on her face and she blinked open her eyes. Everyone sighed in relief as Shahana engulfed her daughter into a bone-crushing hug. They now turned towards Ahad, who looked more tensed.

"What's the matter, Bhai?" it was Rahil, who asked this time.

"Baba Jaan is taking his last breath. We should go soon." Ahad announced as a drop of tear rolled down his cheeks. Everyone passed worried glances as they got up, the youngsters gave one last to Malaika who was still engulfed in her mother's embrace. She didn't reveal her reason for coming home late and fainting down like that, yet. And everyone's mind couldn't process anything after what Ahad just told.

"I'll stay with her." Sara requested her parents, who nodded their head and soon everyone left hurriedly. It was only just Sara and Malaika.

Malaika hadn't opened her mouth yet. She looked up at her sister like cousin, who passed her a glass of water. She nodded no, not in any mood for water.

Sara raised her eyebrows debating whether or not she should ask her anything. Her cousin looked paler than usual, lost too.

"Sara." her cousin flinched at the tone she has used, Malaika couldn't care less, for all she cared was the truth; for which she has risked her whole life.

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