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Ever since her discharge, Malaika has become a curious cat. She'd try to grasp as many things as she can. And ask so many questions which Arsalaan would patiently answer, but she was refrained from asking anything related to her past life. Which was a bummer, but she is doing okay now.  Her bandages have been removed but few marks still remained. She stared at herself in the mirror as a drop of tear rolled down her cheeks. 

"Malaika..." Arsalaan's familiar voice came from behind as he brought a plate of food with him, she wiped off her tears immediately and turned to face him. He raised his brows at her actions, her teary-eyed didn't fail to go by his notice. Unable to meet his questioning eyes, she turned to face the mirror again, as he kept the plate on the bedside table and walked towards her. 

Arsalaan eyed her through the mirror, her face looked gloomy and sad. She didn't dare look at his eyes, her eyes looked down, nervously. Swiftly he made her face him, she gasped at his actions, "you have to stop stressing yourself, Malaika." She raised her head reluctantly and blinked her eyes. 

"I-I don't know. I feel void. I want to know so many things, but." he placed his finger on her lips, stopping her from speaking any further. She froze at his touch which he pulled back almost instantly, it's been two weeks now, they've never been so close before, until now and suddenly, Malaika was aware of how close they both stood, she looked so tiny in front of him, even though there weren't much differences in their height. 

"You will regain your memory, okay? I know it must be hard, I can't imagine being in your shoes. But stressing about it will do nothing but harm your health. Please stop thinking about it again and again, okay?" she nodded her head, whilst staring into his eyes. The captivating eyes, which was pulling herself into him, making her want to drown in them. 

Suddenly her head ached, as a blurry image of her staring into the same eyes comes back to her mind. She couldn't recollect where it was, but his eyes were looking at her with adoration and the rest was blank. Her eyes widened at that. 

"Arsalaan!" she exclaimed excitedly, he looked at her in confusion as one minute she was sad and then suddenly her eyes were so happy, as though she has won a lottery. 

"I- I remembered something." his face became blank at that. But he was quick enough to mask it with a happy face, "really? What is it?" Arsalaan asked curiously. Hoping it to be anything but not his memory. 

"I saw your eyes. It was so beautiful, they were looking at me with amusement and adoration." she beamed at him whilst playing that memory, again and again, hoping to recollect something else. But nothing came back. Instead, her head started aching. A frown appears on Arsalaan's face, as she held her head. 

"Come here," dragging her to sit on the bed, he sat on his knees, opposite her. Holding her hands in his, he spoke," I know you're happy to recollect something. But please stop stressing yourself. It's not good for your health. I have promised to take good care of you to your family, what if something happens to you?" his voice was full of panic and concern. 

Malaika bit her cheeks from inside and looked at him with a sheepish grin," I'm sorry!" 

"It's your medicine time, you have to eat your lunch quickly first." he left her hands and walked to the bedside table to take the plate and there was this little corner of her heart that was missing his hold on her hand instantly. She shook her head in disbelief. 

"Eat, I prepared them on my own." Arsalaan grinned as he took a seat beside her watched her beam at him in surprise, "did you make them for me?" she asked with curiosity and excitement. He nodded his head in positive with a small smile, "especially for you." 

"I should definitely taste it then." she took the spoon into her mouth and tasted the first morsel of vegetable fried rice, as she closed her eyes shut, tasting the flavour. 

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