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          after a short, carefree weekend, you were immediately thrusted back into a hellish bout of chaos. of course, you sat in your usual spot. your normally organized station was littered with papers. you were slumped down on the table, groaning like a dying horse.


          "what?" you grumbled.

          "hi?" you peeked over your arms to see a dumbfounded bokuto looking at you. you completely disregarded him, sinking back down on the desk.

          "you didn't tell me anything in advance. i have like ten other assignments to work on," you said, voice muffled by your arms.

          "oh, i'm not here for that," he said. "i was just gonna say hi, but you look like you need some help."

          you sat up and rubbed your temples, staring down at the mess in front of you. "no offense, but if you need my help with algebra, you're not gonna get through calculus."

          "ah, i don't wanna do math," he repulsed. he leaned down, grabbing some of your papers off of the ground and dropping them back onto the table. "i just meant like, picking your stuff up, ya know?"

          you thought about it; you could use the extra hands. your papers were all over the place and if you could fix the place up you'd probably be out before 6. "did a tornado hit you or something?" he muttered to himself again.

          "i guess you could be of some use," you mumbled. bokuto grabbed the rest of the fallen papers and sat across from you, almost excited to be on cleanup duty. you explained, in detail, what he was to do. it took him a bit to get the hang of everything, but he didn't totally suck at his job. it was a bit of a mess at first—literally—but eventually, the two of you were working like a high-functioning homework machine.

          "and...print," you said, finally finishing a research paper for a second year. bokuto rushed out of his seat, eager to do something again. he was left with nothing to do when he finished putting away your mess in the first ten minutes. you shut your laptop and leaned back in your seat.

          the boy skipped back, three papers in his hand. "is this the last one?" he slid the papers to you and you stapled them together with a proud nod. he put the essay away for you and closed all of your binders.

          the sun had almost set and you were ready to head home when your stomach interrupted you. "when was the last time you ate?" the boy asked.


          "that was like hours ago! i think i'd die. why don't we go get something to eat?"

          "we?" you asked, almost grimacing at the suggestion. you weren't into eating out at all, let alone with someone else.

          "yeah! i can pay," he said with a smile, brandishing the wallet he pulled from his back pocket. you shouldered your bag and look at him, your apathy returning.

          "i'd rather not be indebted to you."

          "in... " he trailed off. he paused before a lightbulb seemed to go off in his head. "oh ... you don't have to pay me back."

          "well, i'd have to do something to even us out."

          "you already gave me those extra notes, so doesn't that make me the one who's evening us out?" you sighed, his persistence frustrating you. he didn't seem to be letting up soon though. it was a waste of energy to argue over something so trivial.

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