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friday 17:39

the week passed by so quickly. same old boring routine. as much as doing homework bored you, you could deal with it if it meant buying the things you've been wanting for a while.

you sat in your regular seat, working on a geography worksheet. music blared in your ears, louder than usual, of course. you barely noticed bokuto entering the library. usually, he'd have a quick conversation with the girl behind the reception desk, but today it was just a wave and a "hello".

he sat across from you, silently tossing his bags beside his seat. you greeted him, but he just hummed and slid a few of your papers over to look at. you glared up at him as he left for the copy machine. there was no glow in his eyes, no abiding smile, no prideful posture. he looked like a different person. a bad day maybe? you weren't the best at comforting so it was probably best to let him get over it.

he sat back down, handing you the papers. he looked so miserable it almost hurt you. you watched him as you worked on the paper in front of you. he just stared off, picking at his fingers or playing with his hair. whenever you asked a question, you received a one-word answer or an extremely boring response. to be honest, he sounded like you.

the walk home was just as unexciting. just...walking.

when you reached your house, you sat on your bed, some books scattered in front of you. you were cleaning out your bookshelf, deciding which books to keep or get rid of, but bokuto didn't do anything. he just laid on your bed, occasionally he'd watch you, but nothing else.

you tried to ignore it, he'd be back to normal by tomorrow, but it just bugged you seeing him so unhappy. you slowly slid another couple of books onto your shelf and sat down on the bed.

"so?" you said, swinging your legs up. he looked at you from the corner of his eye.

"what's wrong?" you pulled your knees to your chest and waited for him to answer.

you could see the look on his face, debating whether or not to tell you. he sighed and turned onto his side, hiding himself from you again.

"it's nothing. i'll be fine," he said quietly.

"you don't look fine. do you want to talk about it?" you weren't sure what to do. you didn't know what you could say. thinking logically about this, physical touch helps the brain calm down. you cautiously moved closer to him and placed your hand on his arm. his eyes stared up at your softened expression. he looked away again, a warm blush covering his face.

"i'm just worried."

"for tomorrow?" you asked, comfortingly rubbing his shoulder.

"i know we'll do well, i just get nervous sometimes." he flipped onto his back and stared at your ceiling fan. his eyes met yours, a flash of sadness sparkling in his eyes.

"do you ever get nervous over nothing?" he asked.

"all the time," you said. you watched your hand sitting on his shoulder, your thumb slowly brushing against his shirt.

"well, how do you get it to stop?"

"it takes a while, but you just have to remind yourself that being nervous is a waste of time. if there was something to be worried about, you'd have a solution for it." he squinted up at you. you gave him a small smile, making him turn away.

"you make everything sound so deep," he mumbled. you chuckled at him and picked up one of the books on the foot of your bed. you read the back of it, absentmindedly moving your thumb in its same pattern.

as you went to look at the inside of the book, bokuto's finger poked your cheek. you looked over to him, but he just stared off at your door. you shrugged and went back to the book. he must be feeling better already.

the first chapter didn't seem too interesting but the back intrigued you. as you debated whether or not you wanted to start the book, your cheek was poked again. you hummed, your eyes trained on the pages in front of you. bokuto's hand tapped your back, drawing your attention from the book. his arms were outstretched, inviting you into a hug. you sighed and wrapped an arm around him, using the other to hold your book.

bokuto made a satisfied hum as his arms met your waist. your heart fluttered as he touched you, the same feeling from a week ago overtook you. you turned your head against his chest, hiding your rosy cheeks. one of his hands slipped off of you, reaching towards the book in your hand.

"hey," you mumbled, pulling your arm away from him. he still managed to grab it from you, throwing the book back to where you picked it up from. he placed his arm back where it was, sending another wave of heat to your face.

as minutes passed, he didn't let go of you.

"are we staying like this?" you mumbled into his chest.

"if that's okay with you."

you sighed and pulled your legs out from under you. you laid against him, soaking in his warmth. his hands moved ever so slightly along your waist until they met a patch of bare skin. you shivered as his fingers landed on you. your heart was ready to beat out of your chest.

you tightened your arms around him and squeezed your eyes shut. anything to forget your skyrocketing heartbeat. his arms shortly followed suit, his hand moving along your skin. his thumb slowly moved in circles along your skin.

it was all too sudden for you. you weren't sure if you were ready for everything just yet. he was being so affectionate with you, in a way obviously not meant for your friend. who's to say he won't confess soon? you didn't like going into things unprepared, but there are no preparations to be made for something like that. so many possibilities and only so many of them can go your way.

with all of the thoughts speeding through your mind, you barely noticed bokuto's hand moving to your hair. this was all too much. his fingers running along your hair and skin, just simply too much. you'd scream if you could. your heart hurt from all of it. the butterflies in your stomach were running wild, it was way too much for you to handle. he's successfully driven you insane.

it was hard to keep denying that you were in love. you didn't exactly need to be in love right now. the rest of the year would go much smoother without all of the stress and such. the painful feeling you felt before was like hell, but if being in love meant you'd get more of this, it couldn't be so bad.

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