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you woke up to a message from bokuto.

Good morning.

you slipped out of bed, opening the curtains to the rising sun. you made your way to the kitchen, seeing your mother serving some pancakes and bacon.

"morning," she greeted you. you crept over to the counter to grab your food and took a seat. it wasn't unusual for the two of you to eat together. she continued to eye you as you picked at your food.

"so, do i get any elaboration on who your friend was last night?"

you shook your head; you just wanted to eat. you shoveled down the rest of your breakfast and retreated to your room to get changed. by seven, you were out of the house.

the bus ride wasn't fun. you just listened to music, watching the world pass you by. you closed your eyes, letting the rhythm of the song sink in. your phone buzzed in the pocket of your coat.

hey hey heyyy
how are you?

Fine. You?

doing great 😌
practice was fun

That's good.

what are you up to?

On the bus.

how long is your ride
are you almost there?

Like an hour but yeah.

at least you're almost there
hey that means we get
to see each other again😊


guess i'll see you then 😁

you turned off your phone and sunk back down into your seat. you closed your eyes until the bus stopped at fukurodani.

as you stepped off of the bus, your phone buzzed again. a few familiar faces passed by you; you handed assignments to some of them. you checked your phone to see messages from someone other than bokuto.

Can you meet me at the
principal's office?
I need some help :(

kana was a student ambassador and your close friend, so her work was your work. you hurried inside, turning down the right hallways to meet her there.

"(Y/n)!" you heard kana call you from down the hallway. she ran up to you, holding a stack of papers. she handed half of them to you. "i need help."

"of course you do." she scoffed at you. printing largely on each sheet were the words "fukurodani open house". beneath a plethora of words were lines for signatures and whatnot. you could only assume you were handing these out to each teacher.

"i'll take the first years and class 1-3 of the second years. you do the rest," she quickly explained before rushing off to the first year's floor. you let out a sigh before making your way to your class.

class six wasn't the most exciting bunch. the teacher was alright and you only cared to talk to a few of your classmates. at least they kept quiet. you slipped off your coat and set your bag next to your chair. after a quick chat with your teacher, you were off to explore the third-year floor.

tsumugi, another friend of yours, was in class one. the only trouble was that bokuto was there too. if you could slip in and out without talking to him, you'd be golden.

class one was a rowdy bunch. you could practically hear the loud chatter from down the hall. tsumugi immediately ran up to you when you entered the room. "did he say anything?"

the girl had been crushing on a boy in your class for a while. you were unfortunate enough to be their messenger. "he said he needs someone to help decorate the first floor with him. aka you."

she beamed at the news. you patted her head and walked past her to hand out the paper to the class one teacher. you walked back to the door to leave.

"tell him i'll help him!"

"you tell him," i said, turning back to the door. you almost bumped into someone on your way out but you slipped by and kept walking.


oh god. just keep walking you have a job to do. just. keep. walking-


you were almost frightened by his loud voice. you'd probably be able to hear the guy whisper a mile away. you turned on your heel, your blank expression clearly reading that he was unwelcome. "hi."

you turned back around and walked off to finish your job.

"what's that for?" bokuto said, following you and pointing to the rest of the papers in your hand.

"open house," you put it simply. he opened his mouth to say something but you interrupted. "my friend's an ambassador so i'm helping her out." you sped up your pace trying to lose him. he just followed, asking more and more questions.

"where do you have to go?"

"i just have classes four, five, and six for the second years."

"ooh! can i come? i've got a friend in class six." you didn't answer, but he followed you anyways. you were a bit excited to visit class six. you were in that class last year and their teacher took a liking to you. you didn't get much time to chat with her so now would be a good chance.

class 2-6 was your last class to visit. you slipped inside and immediately made your way to the teacher's desk. bokuto left your side for the first time during your walk. he stood at the desk of a tall boy with dark hair. he looked almost as tired of his loudness as you were. you caught up with your former teacher, filling her in on the contents of your third year.

"well," the teacher said, clapping her hands, "you have a class to get to. i suggest you take your friend with you."

you thanked her and made your way back to the door. you tapped bokuto's shoulder on your way back.

"gotta go. see you later," you heard him say. he chased behind you as you made your way back to the staircase. he caught up with you, mumbling something about "akaashi"—the boy he was talking to.

you walked in silence, while bokuto did his usual rambling. it made you wonder how much he trusts that you're listening. you were, but it was stupid to think someone like you even cared. you reach class one soon enough and you said your goodbyes.

"hey. i'll call you when i'm on my way to the library."

you turned around. "call me?"

"so you know when i'm coming." he shoots you a thumbs up and disappears into the classroom. usually, he gives you time to protest and you just chose not to, but now, it wasn't even up to you to decide.

bokuto kotaro was slowly taking over your life.

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