~Promise Me Something~ Chapter 1

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One month.

Only thirty more days until I am out of this hellhole prison Wicked bullshit High, better known as Windsor Belmore High. Why a prison you ask? Well, in prison you are forced to be around those who you don't particularly like. 'Orange is the New Black' has shown me that. I have seen the same faces every day for six whole years, I think I deserve a break!

Furthermore, our school has recently put large black security fences all around the perimeter of the oval and school grounds, so that we can only enter school by typing in our own unique combination code. Want to hear the worst part? Well, the upgrade in technology actually checks and marks student attendance, so those without a valid doctor's certificate will be labelled as truants. Now do you believe me when I say I attend jail?

Thank you.

After I entered my code in, I walked through the gates with my bag slung over one arm, and huge bulky folder in the other. Walking over to my locker, I put in my combination and open it, only to see all my books, notes and pencil case covered in foam. The foam was so bubbly that it looked like a snowy mountain inside.

I felt like crying. Who did this? Why? I put months of late night hours into perfecting those notes. Highlighting certain areas, colour coding all the particular pages, categorizing all the topics in every subject under alphabetical order, and I even drew all the diagrams myself! Now...it was all ruined. Nine months of hard work. Gone.

I checked the time, and it was 8:34 am.

Shit! The bell was going to ring any minute and now my timetable was illegible. I had no idea where my next class was as we had many room changes due to graduation preparation. Rushing down to reception I saw a huge line of students signing in late.

'Oh shit, oh shit. Hurry, Hurry!' I chanted, desperate for a miracle. I was always on time for class, even when teachers were late. This was so not like me.

I Looked up at the clock it read 8:39 am, and still no improvements had been made. They honestly needed to update staff training. Most of them were in their late 40's to mid-50's and only just getting in touch with technology. The girl before me couldn't stop complaining about how her boyfriend had to run an errand this morning and he couldn't pick her up...blah, blah. We don't care.

Finally! It was my turn.

"Please. I need a timetable because mine is currently uh... not with me right now."

"Name?" The lady responded, short yet sharply

I gave the office lady a weird look. She had everyone on the system, the minute they started high school, yet she had no idea who I was. This proves that the school board needed to train their staff.

"Jessica Moore," I gritted out, frustrated.

"Okay. Hold on while I print out your timetable." I groaned. This was definitely going to be a long day.


Lunchtime rolled around quite quicker than I had anticipated.

Grabbing a bottle of milk and a small pie from the canteen, I made my way over to the garden which was exclusive for year twelve students. There was a huge round flower garden in the middle full of red and pink roses, along with small shrubs and newly planted foliage. A round silver seat covered the circumference around the garden, but really set the scene for the wooden tables and chairs expanding along the 'year twelve road' as we called it.

The decorative flowers, springing the smell of fresh innocence, pervaded the area and really alleviated the school's exterior to another level. The school committee every year did their best to upgrade facilities for the year twelve students. By planting flowers, and shrubs it was made to give us a comforting and very family-orientated garden. However, what the committee did not know was the evil that really lurked in this place; especially within the students.

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