~Promise Me Something~ Chapter 8

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Jessica's clothing to the Stone's dinner above ^ :)


"Please. Help me! Please" She begged hitting the door over and over again. She felt helpless and trapped in the darkness of this tiny room. Feeling as if he voice is as loud as a whisper, she wanted someone to save her. A saviour. Just like the superheroes do to their maidens. But no avail. No response. No one even taking in her plea's, her cries.

"Please! Get me out of here!" She screamed again throwing the small ornament towards the door. "Don't leave me here...Please! I want something small to eat. I'm begging you. something small" She pleaded, her stomach grumbling angrily.

Just then, she heard the key being inserted into the lock and twisted around till the door peeked open. The little girl saw the faintest of light, yet that little faint light illuminated her face. Staying in the darkness for so long, she saw a small glimpse of hope.

"Here" A rough voice echoed before a piece of bread and a wrapped cheese slice was thrown at her. Although it landed on the ground, she could not care less and she was starving and needed to eat. Finishing the meal in three bites, she curled up on the single bed and cried herself to sleep.

Why? Her thoughts echoed loudly.



Rolling over to the other side of the bed, I yawned rather loudly and slumped myself back into the pillow again. These birds were so loud last night, bird-calling their flock that they gave me barely any sleep. Knowing I can't fall asleep after waking up; I jumped out of bed and brushed my hair, tying it neatly in a bun. I never let my hair down because the last time I did it didn't go very well...

It was the day of Australian Business Week (ABW) where each group representative presented a product/item on the behalf of all the efforts all term. This mini-school event taught year 10 students how to market products and showed an insight glimpse into how businesses these days use strategies to run on a day-to-day basis. Sadly, for me, I had no friend to work with, as Faith didn't do business as a subject. So the teacher, being cruel of course placed me in with Mason's team- consisting of Mason, Jessica R, Prudence, Allie, Jonathon, Sammie and Johnson. Two members on each team looked after a particular business function:

Jessica R and Jonathon- Operations

Allie and Prudence- Finance

Sam and Johnson- HR

Mason and I- Marketing

Sadly, I was paired up with Mason as my teacher Mrs Duwali believed team captain would make 'everyone feel inclusive'. Of course, Mason had the perfect opportunity to make me do all the work and sit down on his arse.

The day came for 'show and sell' where each group member had to present their findings. Us being marketing, had to market our product which was a hair straightener which had pull-out scissors attached making it a 2 in 1 hair device.

While Mason was demonstrating on my hair I heard girls in my group giggle. I looked at them feeling really confused. What was happening? Suddenly, I felt the weight off my head come off quite a bit. Raising my hand to my hair slowly I could feel my hair which once went to my mid-back, now barely touched my shoulder.

I gasped. Just as I went to say something, Mason interrupted "And that is our 2 in 1 hair straightening, cutter"

The other students thinking it was all a part of the 'marketing promotion' clapped, along with the teachers.

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