~Promise Me Something~ Chapter 3

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CH 3:

Early Saturday morning I heard clattering coming from mum's bedroom. She usually did her grocery shopping on Saturdays before going to work in the afternoon, so it was weird to see her home more frequently than she was a few months ago. Something was definitely going on and I was keener than ever to find out what was going through her head.

"Mum, what are you doing?"

"Oh darling, Mrs. Pearson called, asking for me to come over. She's experiencing a lot of chest pains and it feels as if her heart is constricting. I don't have the correct equipment to tend her so I'm taking her to the hospital."

"Okay. Sorry to hear that. Why are you packing though?" I questioned, confused.

"Because, she only has one specific doctor she visits and he's over in Wollongong, where she used to live. Mrs. Pearson refuses to see any other doctor but Mr Ling." I sighed. I knew how dangerous a situation like that could be, especially when she felt tight chest pains. Being elderly does come with its disadvantages. But this was the one day for two hours during the whole week where I actually had time to spend with my mother. I barely saw her anymore.

"Alright. Kat and I will be fine. I'll make sure she gets on the bus every morning, don't worry."

"No can do darling. The pest controllers will be here later tomorrow so we've got to wrap all the furniture up like they asked. We cannot risk another incident happening."

I sighed angrily, mum was fine with us staying by ourselves over the weekend but did not let us stay home, as our house got infested by bugs. Mum didn't want the same fate happening to us last time, so she decided to boot us out of the house and call for help.

I remember clearly what had happened only last year around this time. Kat's room had been infested with insects and bugs and once mum had vacuumed them, they seemed to double. It was only after we called pest control did we realise they had made a nest outside on Kat's tiny balcony and were procreating there. Ugh.

"Okay... we don't have enough to rent a motel, let alone a hotel. What are we going to do?" I panicked.

"Actually, I have that covered for you two girls," Mum said, whizzing past me, filing what I assumed was Mrs. Pearson's necessary paperwork into her bag. "I have spoken to Harry and he was more than welcome to take you in until Monday morning."

I looked at her sceptically. "You mean Harry Stone? As in Mason's dad...?"

Mum laughed, "Yes of course darling, I mean you both attend the same school, very similar classes and I have heard Mason is very charming. Smart boy with good grades; seems respectable."

Smart boy with good grades? Wow mum... Who fed you all these lies?

"Mum!" I exclaimed, "He is anything but respectable. I swear! You have to believe me. He is so cruel. He uses people and laughs at their misfortunes!"

Not to mention he absolutely loves making my life Hell. I've lost all my self-esteem and confidence because of him.

"Oh sweetums, you're being dramatic. They are such a nice family, I don't want to hear you bad-mouthing them again. They are helping us out during tough times when they could have easily declined." She kissed my cheek before making her way down the hall.

I groaned inwardly. Ugh! Please save me now.


"TIME BOMB!" Kat squeaked before belly-flopping onto my bed. "PEW PEW."

I rolled my eyes at her childish behaviour, but I was so glad to have her come with me, knowing she would be the one to keep me sane and maybe discover just how hurtful Mason could be. Soon she would be coming over to my side.

"Elloo, earth to Jessica." Kat said, waving a hand in front of my eyes

"Huh, what? Sorry!"

"I asked you if you were excited to spend your weekend not cooped up at home in your pyjamas eating a plate of ice-cream and crying for God knows what reason?" I looked at her wide-eyed. Kat was never really home to see me cry about how pathetic my life was. I was surprised; I thought I could cover up my feelings well. It came with years of practice.

"At least it'll be better with you." I smiled before folding my school uniform and shoving it into my bag.

"Wait what do you mean? I'm not coming with you." She paused "Mum asked Lauren's mum for permission. I mean she said it was closer to my school on Monday. Also I don't really know Mason, so she knew how uncomfortable it'd be for me to stay over his house."

I felt like crying then and there. My mum was either brainwashed by Mason's evil charm or she was just naïve, very naïve. Not realising, I felt a tear drop from my eye.

"Oh god Kat, please, I'd rather bug germs infect me than go to his house. Please don't make me."

Kat looked at me sympathetically before hugging me tightly.

"It's one weekend. Weekends always go by quick, which is sucky. But in your case, that's good news so don't worry. It'll be over before you know it." I hugged her back and couldn't help but frown. I felt so helpless.


Edited: 3/03/17

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