Chapter 16

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Tw: Selfhate,

Just listen to the song above and be vibing with me

P.o.v. Demetri

Its been a couple of weeks now. I miss him. Eli. More then I would miss anyone. I am sick of it. Sick of these feelings. Every night I have been laying awake, thinking about it. Thinking about past things. Past memories. Then I would realize that those were gone forever. And that they would never return. I really hate myself for thinking these things over and over again. I sound so pathetic and sick. I would do absolutely anything to erase these feelings. Just... get rid of them as soon as possible. That could in a movie, or a show. Making someone forget everything they have ever known.

I sighed and layed down, checking my phone. It was 4 am. I haven't had any sleep today. Or at least this night. I rubbed my eyes. I felt tired as hell, but I didn't want to sleep. I couldn't sleep either. Geez, was I going insane or something...


The next day, when I entered school, I saw someone rush to me. I felt so tired that I felt like not being able to stand and want to bang my head against my desk. "Hey!" The person said. I looked up, seeing it was Miguel. "Hey..." I sounded very tired. "You okay, Deme?" He asked. "Yeah,  I had some late homework." I said. "Well, get some rest tonight." I nodded. I wish I would have some sleep. Just to at least take his mind of my stupid thoughts. The bell rings and we wave each other goodbye, since we have diffrent classes at first.

I crack a smile, which disappears as Miguel leaves. I'm lik empty inside, I had frankly become very numb. I think if you would hit me now, I would not feel anything and continue walking like the zombies from Plants vs. Zombies. Yeah, that's how i'm feeling like now. Getting up is the hardest part fo the day. No one can change my mind (A/N: I agree). As I walk through the hallway, everything felt like it was going slow motion. Really when I accidently tripped over my other foot. The fall I made was all in slow motion. But I had not enough energy to put my hands in front of my, what would break my fall. I didn't so I fell platt on my face.

I heard some laughing around me. Embarrassed I stood up and looked around. I saw Hawk and his stupid friends laughing. Well, Hawk wasn't laughing. Quit the opposite. He shot me a concerned look. We stared into each other's eyes for a couple of seconds, befor he pointed to his nose. I quickly wiped away the blood what was coming from my nose. And again I was embarrassed as I saw him chuckle. I quickly started making my way down the hallway, trying to avoid any eye contact with someone...

Heyo everyone. I am very tired and so sorry for this chapter being so short. But I am tired and I had no motivation to make it longer and no idea how to continue it (please tell me if you have an idea because i'm running out of them...). Anyway, have a good day/night!

~Your author

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